•Chapter Forty Eight•

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****Velvet's POV****
****Two Months Later****

Gilman? I laugh right in Mike's face as he smiles not so innocently.

"Do you remember what happened the last time I went to Gilman? I got arrested for fighting your ex girlfriend. And the time before that...need I remind you?" He sighs and groans a little.

"C'mon V. It's one night and all of us are gonna be there for Addie's birthday. Your mom is babysitting the boys, it'll just be us. What could happen?" I shrug, a bad feeling brewing around in me.

"I just don't think it's a good idea. Me and Gilman don't collaborate well, and everyone else will be drinking anyways. I'll have to sit there like the odd on out with a coke" He chuckles as he begins walking away and to our room.

"You always stand out one way or another, at least to me" He turns and sends me a wink.

I try not to smile and cross my arms.

"Are you just sweet talking me to getting me to agree to go?" He pulls a clean shirt over his head and I already know the answer.

"Possibly. But like I said, what could go wrong?" I chew on my lip and shrug.

Not finding anything serious, I sigh and agree.

"Fine, we'll go. But if that Anastasia girl shows up then don't expect me not to go to jail again" He laughs a little before ushering me to get a shower.

We were after all leaving in two hours. Somehow I knew that even if I didn't agree, I would be tagging along onto Mike's arm anyways like his lost puppy.


"Hey Addie, happy birthday!" Addie smiles as she sees me and I hug her quickly.

The hug is warm and inviting and I was glad Billie could manage to find a girl like her. I wouldn't rather call anybody my sister. Because I always did want a sister, and now I finally got the perfect one.

She smiles larger at me and pats my stomach that is slightly concealed by Mike's hoodie that I stole.

"How's our boy holding up?" I smile a little and shrug as Mike begins a conversation with Billie.

"He's fine, moving around a lot lately, but fine. He likes to get up in my ribs and wake me up at night, but I guess that was expected" She chuckles and nods.

"Before too long he'll be here, you know" I nod and smile a little.

"Yeah, about a month and a half to go. I'm getting anxious...and nervous...and a little scared" My voice slowly fades out but Addie chuckles at me reassuringly. She puts a hand on my shoulder before wrapping her whole arm around my neck.

"I've been through it twice, and if I can do it, then so can you. Besides, you have an awesome guy like Mike to help you out" I roll my eyes as we look at our guys together.

Mike stands laughing ideologically at one of Billie's jokes and I sigh as we take a seat at our table.

"Something tells me that he may just want to make the baby laugh more than he wants to take care of him" Addie waves a hand.

"It seems that way, but when the time comes he'll be a great Dad. I just can't wait to be there for the day when he proves it" I smile and nod at her.

"You will be. I couldn't even think of not having you there to see Holden" She squeals a little.

"That little guy will be so cute. I wonder if he'll have black hair or blonde. Green eyes or blue. Your stubborn personality or Mike's care free one. You know?" I nod a little and think about it.

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