•Chapter Four•

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Caught up in Jane Eyre, I set the book down and rub my eyes.

I wasn't a big reader and I wasn't much for taking my Mom's help or offerings, but you'd be surprised how much you can change when you're stuck on a lousy tour bus twenty four seven.
I yawn and look at the clock, surprised that it was this late, or should I say early. I had lost track of time and glanced down at the book, seeing as I was already halfway through it. It was four am and when I switch open the blinds in the window, I see that we're stopped at a gas station. 

I flipped them closed with a groan and try to count in my head the number of continuous hours that I've gone without sleep.

I was exhausted and kept getting lost after the number ten when I could no longer count on my fingers.

My hands shook as I brushed hair out of my eyes and examined myself in the mirror on the corresponding wall. I had bags under my bloodshot eyes and my hair was greasy.

My muscles were all sore and tense and the bruises on my neck seemed to be getting worse if that was possible.

I held my hands out in front of me and tried focusing, wondering if had some kind of magical power that would make them stop shaking. It's been over a day since I've snorted coke or even had a smoke and I was going through bad withdrawal. I just wish I had a punching bag somewhere in front of me that I could lash out on. I just needed something to make me relax.

Looking at my hair again and then to my bag on the floor, my mouth threatens me with a smile as I see the bubble gum scented bubble bath peeking out of my suitcase.

Mom was supposed to be punishing me by sending me on this trip, but yet she packed all my favorite things from when I was a kid. Except for the book, that came with a sticky note that said "In case of emergency". I still have yet to understand what she fully meant by that.

Maybe she knew I'd be bored out of my mind.

I grab a fresh pair of clothes from my suitcase, imagining that hot bubble bath. Knowing that it was four am and that no one would be up, I grab my book too.

With my arms full, I walk out of the back room I had been in previously and stride down the long hallway to the tiny bathroom.

It was only big enough for the shower and a toilet, but the shower was built to allow enough water for a bath. Which was a relief. Bubble baths and my book were all I had left.

Unless you count Mike of course. At least he was making an effort to even understand and listen to me. No one ever listened to me, and then he came along and pretended to be interested even if he wasn't. I had to at least give him credit for that because even when I was little I know that he really never cared about the days I did and didn't wear my princess dress or how many times I had watched The Breakfast Club on repeat.

I undress and wrap a towel around myself as I make the hot bath and pour in a generous amount of bubble bath. Throwing the towel on the floor and turning off the water, I soak in the hot water and feel my muscles relax.

After washing my hair and massaging in the conditioner, I pull up my book and begin to read where I left off.

*Mike's POV*

I kept tossing and turning in the small bunk, not able to sleep in the space barely big enough for me. Maybe next time I would have to request that we stop at a hotel for the night. After being woke up from the bus moving again, I give up and climb out if my sleeping space, reading the clock on the wall.

It was almost five thirty and at seven we would be off for another show. I just loved not being able to sleep and then playing an exhausting show. Sooner or later I'd just pass out, right? Hopefully.

I grab my razor and shaving cream off the shelf by my suitcase and walk towards the bathroom, wanting to get myself ready before I didn't have any time left.

The smell of bubble gum fills my nose as I near closer to catch Velvet walking out of the bathroom in a tank top and pair of shorts. No bra. At all.

She's staring down at a book she reads while walking and has her other clothes under her arm. She's almost to me as she stops to flip a page and marks it by bending down the corner.

She sees me and seems surprised.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asks, keeping her voice low to avoid waking up Billie and Tré.

I shake my razor and shaving cream at her.

She nods slowly as if me shaving my face was interesting and walks away before I can say anymore.

Shrugging it off, I walk into the bathroom and begin to shave, almost cutting myself when she ran back in and scared the shit out of me.

It's not everyday you see your best friend's eighteen year old sister running around a tour bus at five thirty in the morning. If you know what I mean.

"Forgot my bubble bath" She shakes the bottle at me and I feel relieved to know where the smell was coming from.

She closes the seat on the toilet and sits down, watching me as I shave my face.

"What's it like to shave your face?" She asks, sounding so innocent as if she were six again and I was her twelve year old big brother.

I shrug and run my hands over my face to see if I missed anything.

"What's it like to shave your legs?" She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe I don't shave them" My eyes travel to the places where her shorts don't cover and it was obvious that she was lying. I couldn't help but wonder if the felt as soft as her name implied.

"It's the same thing, only a different area of your body" I answer her question to avoid wondering what her legs would feel like rubbing up against me.

It was wrong, wasn't it? To imagine your best friend's sister that way? She was only eighteen and I was twenty three. I couldn't even imagine what Billie would think of me if I felt anything about his sister that he didn't. That'd be our whole relationship down the drain. And I knew she was a liar. And a thief. And a druggie. Part of me cared and part of me didn't. Like I said before, it's hell not being able to make up your mind.

I rinse my face and wonder about her book.

"What were you reading, back there?" She scoffs as if implying that the book were trash and that she didn't want me to know that she liked it.

She waves a hand when I dry my face with a towel.

"It's just some book my mom packed with me. I guess she thought that if I got bored I would read it. And it just so happens that I got bored" I clean up the sink and grab my things.

"Looked like you were pretty into it to me" She shrugs, walking out with me and towards the back room of the bus instead of the sleeping area.

"Not really" I don't know why she didn't want me to know that she liked the book. Maybe she wanted me to think she was tough and that reading made her weak. It's hard to tell with Velvet. I could never really figure her out.

"Are you gonna go back there and finish it now?" I ask teasingly, watching her hide her smile and telling me to shut up. She knew I had her figured out and we both knew I wouldn't tell anyone about her dark secret.

The girl liked to read. Sue her.

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