•Chapter Twenty•

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*Mike's POV *

I didn't care if she was still mad at me or not. I really did try to give her the space she wanted, but I haven't seen her in almost three days and I was losing my mind after the first. I had to go see her.

Ollie welcomes me in and I run up the stairs to get away from the conversation I was avoiding.

"V?" I knock on her door and invite myself in, seeing her sleeping on her bed all curled up under the blankets.

I sit on the edge of her bed, pulling the blanket away from her face so I can look at her.

The yellow and purple bruise on her cheek makes me wonder what kind of fight her and Billie got into.

I brush my thumb along it and she groans and sighs as she opens her eyes to look at me.

"Hey...why are you watching me sleep?" She asks, a playful tone in her voice.

She notices my thumb on her cheek and sits up, brushing her hair out of her face and letting me see the cut under her chin also.

"I haven't seen you in three days. What happened to your face?" She smiles at me, stretching.

"Two and a half. And good morning to you too, sunshine. I didn't know I looked that bad without any makeup" I smile but it fades as she stands up to change into a fresh pair of clothes, acting oblivious as if I weren't even here.

"I'm serious, V. What happened?" She pulls a shirt over her head and shrugs.

"I tripped over some things on my floor and hit my face on the bedpost. And I cut my chin at the same time on the plastic thing. I ended up having to clean my room, but I bruised myself up. Looks like I got into a killer fist fight, doesn't it? You should've seen the other guy" She brags jokingly as I'm not convinced by her story.

"You look horrible" She crosses her arms, stopping as she brushed her hair.

"You look worse. Now would you like to continue insulting me, or did you come here for some other reason?" I sigh, laying back on her unmade bed.

"I thought you might still be mad at me. You haven't even called me in two and a half days. I was starting to get worried" Her face pops up over mine and she kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I was just kinda occupied with things. I missed you, though. Okay?" She looks sorry as she explains herself, but she also looks like she's not telling me something.

"I believe you. Now why don't you really tell me how you got those wounds" She narrows her eyes and shakes her head.

"Forget it. If you don't trust me then this isn't an honest relationship" I stand, walking up to her where she stands by her dresser leaning.

"This isn't an honest relationship because you're lying to me so you can protect someone else who doesn't deserve it. Was it Billie? Did Billie hurt you?" She stares at me a minute before not replying.

"Who was it then?" Her eyes well up with tears, and she gets that pissed look about her again.

"Can you just stop? I already told you" Her voice cracks and I sigh, backing up with my hands in my pockets as I fumble with my keys.

"I'm sorry, V. I didn't mean to make you upset...I just...I care about you" Her eyes are red and she sniffles as she wipes away the constant fall of tears on her flustered cheeks.

"I care about you, too, Mike. I need to go, though" Confused, she throws a hoodie over her head and grabs a set of keys out of her dresser that I realized was empty.

"Go where? What are you talking about? Do you need space? I gave you space! I gave you space for three days!" My temper rising, she continues to sniffle and grabs two duffel bags out of her closet.

"Maybe it wasn't enough, Mike. And it was two and a half. I just have a lot on my mind, right now, okay? I need...I just...Mike, I don't wanna hurt you" She begins to cry silently, and runs a hand over her face as she looks everywhere but me.

"What do you need? Tell me what it is you need and I'll give it to you. V, I'm serious. Cut the horse shit, I'm done playing games" Her face shined with the wetness her tears produced, and she picked up her bags with a shaky breath.

"I need time to figure out what it is I really need, Mike. Okay? I'll come back. I'm just going out for a little bit and I'll be back and things will be back to normal. But right now I just need to be alone, without you" My heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces and my hand ached from my keys cutting into my skin.

"Where are you going?" She ignores me and starts to walk out.

I run after her, right on her heels.

"V, I'm not kidding. This isn't a joke. Tell me where the fuck you're going!" She flinches when I yell, and runs out the back door, jumping at the sound of thunder.

She uncovers her father's old mustang in the garage and throws boxes to the side.

"Dammit, tell me where you're going!" She turns her head towards me as she gets into the car and slams the door.

"I don't know where I'm going!....I don't know, Mike..." She sobs harder than I've ever seen her before, her head against the steering wheel.

"This isn't me, this isn't who I am. I need my old life back! I'm not happy here!" I wipe away the tears on her cheeks and force my words out.

"You're happy with me..." She looks at me as the rain begins to make sounds on the tin roof.

"V, c'mon...you're happy with me. You're happy with me" She sniffles, wipes her eyes and starts the car.

"I have to go...I'm sorry" Her voice was so close to breaking and I stood there feeling betrayed as I watched the car drive away and boxes collapse in the garage.

I close my eyes, my own hot tears rolling down my face as I heard her mother call her name out the front door with the same broken voice I had just heard.

Ollie was drenched and crying by the time she reached me in the garage.

"Where'd she go? What happened? Is she coming back? Where's my daughter going?!" I wrap my arms around her as we cry together, comforting her for the news that broke us.

"She's gone"


~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now