•Chapter Twenty Three•

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*Mike's POV *

"I wanna break up..." Anastasia pretends to be surprised, but the fear of her thinking I'm serious still shows in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Whatever, Mike. This is just a thing, and you'll be over it tomorrow. I saw you talking with your old girlfriend and I got mad, but I don't wanna break up over it" She rolls her eyes at me as if this were just one of our fights, and I dig my heels deeper into the carpet.

"No, this isn't just a thing. I'm serious, An. I wanna break up. I don't wanna do this with you anymore. Sorry, I've lost interest. I think it'd be best if you left now" Sure I felt bad, but thanks to Velvet popping up at that party, I'm able to get out of this rut.

"You don't, Mike. You don't wanna breakup with me. You'll never get me back if you do" She's crying now, continuously wiping her eyes.

"You need to go now. It's over, I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm breaking up with you. You always say I'm depressed and cranky, well you're the whole reason for it. It isn't fun anymore" She grabs her purse off of the bed where she threw it an hour ago, and mumbles something about Velvet being a boyfriend stealer before slamming my door and leaving tire marks in my driveway.

I rub my hands over my face, and remember the shave I wanted earlier.

Instantly, the weight was lifted off my chest to finally feel free and alone in my own home.

But I also didn't want to be alone. I wanted my ex girlfriend to be with me.

I go to the bathroom, take a shower and shave my face, and feel better every second of silence I get.

I couldn't even take a shower without Anastasia ever wanting to jump in with me. And for a while it was great and then it just got boring. I thought there was something wrong with me, like I needed to start taking Viagra or something, but lately it became obvious that I just didn't get off to it anymore.

I sit down on the couch with a beer and sigh, leaning my head back as I listened to the clock tick.

*Velvet’s  POV*

I pull the bobby pins out of my hair and pull my bathrobe off the door handle to wrap my bare self in it. I had left the party at a reasonable time, but the only thing different about tonight was that I had driven myself home sober.

And of course the fact that I had seen Mike after a number of years.

He looked different. He had more hair on his face than I was ever used to seeing, and he looked tired and annoyed. Apparently as he had told me, his girlfriend was a real Debbie Downer. I took those words a number of ways, and came to a conclusion that tonight, he would probably be single.

All he needed was to get one look at me and he made his mind up. That's what I didn't like, or wasn't sure about. I didn't want him to think that we were just going to get back together where we left off and I was gonna come home a changed woman and my family was gonna realize that they missed me and blah blah blah. This wasn't a damn movie. But I also liked to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe I was just his motivation to do what he wanted.

I tie my robe around my waist and decide to forget about him as I set the tiger Derek got me on my dresser.

After washing my face and starting to call it a night, the landline rings and I groan at the way I'm gonna be on there for two hours explaining everything that happened to Ann.

I pick up the phone and almost cringe.

"I'd rather tell you in person, can't it wait?" There's a chuckle on the other end that doesn't belong to Ann.

"Sure, when did you plan on coming over?" I close my eyes and put a hand on my forehead.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone else. How did you get my number? And why are you calling at two thirty in the morning?" I can tell Mike's walking around as he speaks to me.

"Derek. And I had some important news to tell you" He broke up with her.

I laugh to myself and sigh.

"Let me guess. You broke up with that parking space stealing bitch girlfriend of yours? I'm shocked" He's quiet for a minute and I check the phone to make sure he didn't hang up.

"Are you still there? What are you doing?" He sighs, sounding tired.

"I'm just enjoying the silence..." I chuckle and let out a yawn.

"Where do you work?" He must've thought we were playing twenty one questions.

"Ann's Diner in Rodeo. Why?" I can tell he shrugs by the way I can hear his breaths move.

"Just wondering. But you probably have to work early, so..." I nod slowly.

"Yeah, I do. So...um, I guess this is where we say goodnight. You know, without the "I Love You’s" and stuff" His breathing slows and he's mostly quiet.

"Uh huh. Goodnight, V" I reply with the same before hanging up and walking to bed.

I force thoughts of him away and focus on getting some sleep. Work came early and I didn't need distractions.

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