Chapter Two

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Wanting to know her was easy to say, but not easy to do, and that was what Arnav Singh Raizada realized. He had tried to talk to her the next day, but for some reason, he just couldn't From one day turned to another. From another day turned to a week. From another week turned into a month. From another month- well, you get the idea.

And from doing so, it reached to the end of the first semester.

Oh come on Arnav, he yelled in his head. For crying out loud, you're Arnav Singh Raizada and you can charm the ladies without even wanting to. So talk to the girl!

Taking a deep breath, Arnav relaxed and let his shoulders ease. He looked at Khushi and walked towards her. Khushi didn't have a clue and was reading another novel.

Arnav cleared his throat. "Excuse me?"

Khushi peered up from her book.

"May I sit here?"

Khushi looked at him like her face was saying "what da fuh?" but she recovered fast and moved her bag aside from the chair so Arnav could sit. Arnav gave a humble smile and sat beside her. Khushi went right back to her book and Arnav folded his hands like a little schoolboy and looked around. No one else was sitting near Khushi and people would keep looking up now and then, shocked that someone was sitting next to her.

Even the nerds were in shock.

Arnav looked away, feeling awkward and turned to Khushi. "What you reading?"

Khushi looked up, her cheeks red. Arnav scrunched his eyebrows and looked at her confused. She looked side to side and went back to her book. Arnav looked away and took a deep breath and tried again.

"Oh come on – it can't be that bad?"

Khushi looked up again and looked straight forward. Arnav was looking at her and Khushi looked side to side again and then continued to read.

Come on Arnav, he encouraged himself. You can do this! "Can it?"

Khushi put the book down, keeping her thumb in between to save her page, and looked at him. "Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada..."

Arnav just dazed. Wow, he thought. My name sounds wonderful from her mouth.

"... This is a library. Here, you must stay quiet. So please, stop disturbing me."

"Ssh," the librarian hissed.

Khushi grabbed her bag, placed her bookmark in her book, and walked away. Arnav watched as she left and he sighed heavily.

Damn, he thought. I can't even talk to a girl. Yet I've spoken to so many back in the city. He rested his chin in his hands. Am I losing my charm? He sighed and rested his head on the table. Great! When I need it, that's when it decides to fade away. Just. Great.

Arnav didn't bother to say anything the next few days, but he did continue to go to the library. Khushi now started to realize his presence - though I won't lie she didn't exactly know before. She would feel the light breeze whenever he would walk in and would also feel the tingle on her neck, but never really cared much about it. She still didn't, but now she would look up, and every time she did, she always saw Arnav coming in.

He wouldn't sit next to her, but he would sit near her. One day he came in, desperately in need of studying, after telling Viren that he really needed to study.

Yes, Arnav was now friends- well I wouldn't say friends, but more like... pals, with Viren. Arnav had now become a part of the crew, and he was "tight" with Viren and Sheetal. Well, when it comes to Sheetal, she's been hitting on him since day one. Though Arnav showed no signs of interest, that didn't stop Sheetal whatsoever.

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