Chapter Forty Three

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Khushi had an appointment for her semi-annual check up, and both her and Arnav had decided to make an appointment for Shalini as well, since it had been quite some time since she had last been to the doctors. Arnav was free for the day, so he decided he'd take the ladies. Aryan decided to meet up with them afterwards, as he had a meeting down in town hall, and then they'd go out to eat.

As expected, the wait was long, and that too for just the nurse to call them. Shalini was called in first by one nurse and then Khushi by another.

"Any complaints," the nurse asked Khushi.

Khushi shook her head. "No."

The nurse clicked away on the computer and typed, went through the standard procedure, and then she had Khushi go back to the waiting room. Shalini joined them once more and the wait, once again, was horribly long.

"This is absolutely fucking ridiculous," Arnav scowled.



Arnav groaned with a roll of his eyes, then rested his chin in the palm of his hand. "Now I have two women controlling me."

Khushi rolled her eyes while Shalini chuckled.

"You'd do best by listening to them," Shalini pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah," he huffed.

Khushi shook her head. "Mr. Grumpy Pants."

Arnav frowned at her and Khushi stuck her tongue out. Immediately, Arnav grabbed her hand and tugged her to him, causing Khushi to gasp.


"Don't tease me like that love. You know what I prefer," he smirked devilishly.

Khushi blushed hard as her eyes darted from Arnav to Shalini and back, Shalini trying really hard to hide her grin.

"Arnav stop, Ammu is right there."

"So," he replied.

"So stop," and she tried to free her hand.

Arnav tightened his grip. "Never."

"Arnav let me go!"




"Stop being stubborn!"


Shalini broke into laughter. "You two are just like little children. What will you do when you have a child of your own?"

Khushi paused and looked at Shalini. It had been weeks since the baby topic came up, the last time being at Shalini's party.

Arnav looked at his mother. "Out of us two I'd say I'm more of a child."

Shalini chuckled. "Now that I agree with."

Arnav grinned and Shalini kissed his forehead. Cute as the two were, the baby thought still struck Khushi's mind.

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