Chapter Sixty Nine

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Their vacation had come to an end, and after having been far apart for so long, Khushi couldn't wait to get back home to the rest of their family. So with their belongings all packed up, the little family of three got into the car and drove back home.

"By the way, did Lavanya call you by any chance," Khushi asked as she fed Aarav.

"No, why?"

"She called me about the party she's throwing-"

"Wait, she's serious? How many more parties are we going to have?"

Khushi couldn't help her chuckle. "You know Lavanya, she's always in a festive mood. Any reason to celebrate is just enough for her."

"Well she's lucky I owe her, given what she's done."

Khushi looked up to see Arnav glancing back at her through the rear view mirror, a small smirk running on his face. She returned him with one of her own before turning her attention back to their son, who was toying with her fingers as she fed him his bottle.


After a long drive later, Arnav, Khushi, and Aarav arrived back home and were greeted by Aryan, Shalini, and Ahana.

"Welcome back," Shalini beamed as she went towards them.

She hugged Khushi and then went over to her son and grandson, while Khushi went over to Aryan and Ahana. With the hugs and greetings exchanged, everyone headed inside, sitting down in the living room. Arnav and Khushi spoke about their trip while Aryan and Shalini caught them up with what had been going on here.

"Lavanya is very keen on throwing the party for Aarav," Shalini said.

"She really needs to relax," Arnav sighed with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh come on Arnav, you know how she is," Khushi defended. "Let her be."

Arnav simply rolled his eyes in return.

"Why don't you three head upstairs and get some rest," Aryan said. "After all you did all just travel for so long, you must be tired."

The couple nodded and they headed upstairs. Khushi got Aarav changed up and put him down in his room for his nap and then went to their room. Arnav had already changed up and was laying back in bed, so Khushi quickly changed up into her home-wear and got comfortable besides Arnav. It wasn't long until the two drifted off to sleep, taking a well-deserved nap.


Several hours had passed when Khushi finally awoke. Arnav was still asleep beside her and when she looked at the baby monitor, she saw that her son was still sound asleep. She decided to get up and washed up, then took the monitor with her as she left the room.

Khushi headed downstairs and found Shalini in the kitchen, preparing tea as well as some snacks. She helped her finish preparing everything and then helped bring everything out, Aryan coming downstairs, joining them.

"Chote's still asleep," he asked Khushi as she poured him his tea.

"Yeah, he's just a little tired."

"I don't blame him, it was quite a long drive."

The ladies settled down besides Aryan, both mommies with their baby monitors sitting beside them, letting them keep an eye on their sleeping baby. Everyone continued on with their conversations as they sipped on their tea and munched on the snacks.

"Um, Khushi... there's actually something we need to talk to you about," Aryan said, glancing at his wife.

Khushi looked at them in confusion, setting her tea down on the table.

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