Chapter Five

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On campus, there was nothing but buzzing going on. Everyone talked about just ONE topic. Everyone was talking about how a student on campus had seen Arnav and Khushi together. At first, people didn't believe it.

It all started out with the girl, a nerd, who had seen them in the park. She told her friends, but no one believed her. She convinced them, and her friends started to believe her. Other people over heard, and from one after another, people spread the rumor around. No one could believe that Arnav Singh Raizada was actually dating Khushi... Khushi... whatever her full name is.

Two people in particular couldn't believe a word they were hearing: Viren and Sheetal.

"What," Viren exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?!"

"No man," his friend said. "It's the buzz all over campus."

"You've got to be kidding me," Sheetal said. "How the hell does that LOSER get with ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA?!"

"There must be something to this," Viren said. "We need to find out the truth."


When Khushi arrived on campus, all eyes were on her. It didn't bother her, since everyone always looked at her and poked fun at her. Feeling it as the usual deed that happens to her, Khushi ignored it and continued her way to class. She noticed girls gawking at her and it confused Khushi entirely.

As she was about to enter the lecture hall, Sheetal came right in front of her. She stared Khushi down and Khushi scrunched her eyebrows, confused as to what Sheetal was even doing here.

"We need to talk," Sheetal said.

Talk, Khushi wondered. But she never talks to me.

Sheetal grabbed Khushi's wrist and dragged her with her to somewhere private where they could talk.


When Viren saw Arnav arrive onto campus, he took Arnav aside and went somewhere private to talk.

"What's up man," Arnav asked. "Why you pulling me over for?"

"Arnav, what's going on with you?"


"Meaning what's this crap I hear about you and that loser Khushi."

Arnav shut his eyes and calmed himself. "Khushi is not a loser."

"Oh? So I guess its true; that you two are together."

Arnav looked him in the eye. "Yeah. You got a problem with that?"

Viren widened his eyes. "Are... are you serious?"

"Well that's what you wanted to know, right? Well now you know for sure. Khushi and I are together. We go out."

Viren gaped.

"And if you have a problem with that, then you go shove it up your ass," and Arnav left.

Viren couldn't believe what he heard. He had to talk to Sheetal about this, and fast!


Sheetal dragged Khushi aside and flung her arm, making Khushi trip slightly.

"Sheetal, what are you-?"

"You ratchet bitch," Sheetal sneered.

Khushi stared at Sheetal confused, also hurt.

"What do you think of yourself," Sheetal yelled. "That a nobody, a LOSER like YOU, would ever get with Arnav Singh Raizada?!"

Khushi felt a lump build in her throat.

"Puhleez! Have you seen yourself in the mirror Khushi? Look at you! You're in baggy clothes that don't even fit you! You're ugly as shit, which is why everyone calls you ratchet for a reason! And you think you have the chance to be with Arnav Singh Raizada?"

Khushi looked down at the ground.

"Quit dreaming Khushi. If there's any girl that Arnav would ever like, then it's definitely not like you. She would have class, like me," she smiled.

Khushi tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but it didn't go.

"So back off Khushi! An ugly fuck like you doesn't go with Arnav. He's too good for you. Besides, what do you have? Arnav is the Mayor's son! He has wads of cash and a huge ass home! What do you have? Your family doesn't even have a big home! What do you expect? That is unless you and your family are gold diggers."

Khushi looked up, a tear streaming down her cheek.

Sheetal flared her nostrils. "That's what it is, isn't it," she slightly squinted. "You're after Arnav's money, aren't you?"

Khushi opened her mouth to speak, but Sheetal cut her off.

"Pathetic," she spat. "You always have been, always are, and always will be pathetic."

Khushi looked down as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Anyways, stay away from Arnav. If anything, then he'd be way more interested in a girl like me; one who actually has something to offer, unlike you," she looked Khushi up and down.

Sheetal turned on her heels and walked away. Khushi hugged her books as tears went flowing down. She quickly ran to the girls' bathroom, ran into the biggest stall and cried. She cried and cried, never being this insulted by anyone else in her life, besides her parents.

Khushi sniffled. "I don't like Arnav for his money," she said aloud. "I like him because he's the only one who's ever understood me," she cried. She bit her quivering lip. "He's the only one that's ever loved me."

Khushi wiped her tears, when she remembered her parents. She hadn't even thought about them. If they had found out about her and Arnav, they probably wouldn't have even spared her alive!

"What do I do," Khushi wondered aloud. "If they find out.... Things would just get ugly...." Khushi wiped away her tears. "No. I can't afford that. If I lose one bit, then I'll never be able to prove to them that as a girl, I am capable of something. ... I can't risk it."

But Khushi realized.

"But if I do that... I'll have to sacrifice the one I love... the only person who has ever loved me...."

It made Khushi cry, remembering the sweet little moments her and Arnav had had together. But if she was going to do what she was going to do, then she would have to make sacrifices.

Khushi shut her eyes and a lone tear came down. "Forgive me Arnav," she whispered.

Wiping her tears away, she looked up and took in several deep breaths. Once her breath steadied, she stepped out of the stall and went over to the basin and washed her face. Wiping her face with a paper towel, she looked herself in the mirror. Looking back at her was a Khushi that knew she had to stand strong, yet heartbroken from the sacrifice of her love.

Taking in another deep breath, she turned to leave and headed to class.

Knowing it would be a somewhat difficult task, Khushi decided that she would avoid Arnav. She knew where he would go, and she purposely avoided those areas.

But this wasn't the end of it.

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