Chapter Twenty Nine

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Arnav frowned. "It's our anniversary party, yet we can't even celebrate in our own home."

Khushi looked at his reflection in the mirror while she did her makeup. "Maybe, but it's a sweet gesture."

"Gluing my hands to my balls? I don't think so!"

Khushi giggled. "They're so sweet."

Arnav frowned. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

Khushi stuck her tongue out and finished up her makeup. "How do I look?"

Arnav sighed and got up from the bed, making his way over to his wife. "Beautiful as ever. But I prefer you without all the junk. You're perfect, just the way you are," he smiled.

Khushi blushed. "Kiss up," she teased.

Arnav cupped her face. "More like honest man."

Khushi smiled softly and kissed him softly on his lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too," and he kissed her.

The two held onto each other, when they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Both broke away instantly when they saw Dai Ma's back. While Khushi felt death would be better at the moment, Arnav found the situation too funny, though he suppressed his laughs.

"I'm assuming you're both ready," Dai Ma said, still not facing them.

"Uh, yeah," Arnav said casually. "We'll see you downstairs."

Dai Ma only nodded and left the room. When the door shut, Khushi groaned and sat down on the bed, covering her face.

"Kill me now," she groaned.

Arnav frowned. "It's not that big of a deal."

Khushi looked up at him with wide eyes. "She saw us kissing," she stressed, blushing really hard.

Arnav smirked. "Aww, my shy, timid wife is turning crimson."

"Am not," she defended, though Arnav was correct.

Arnav chuckled. "Are too."

Khushi frowned. "You're lucky it's our anniversary today, mister."

"Hmm, bold Khushi - I like," he winked.

Khushi rolled her eyes and got up. "Shall we?"

Arnav held his arm out for Khushi to link to. The couple walked out of their room and went downstairs. They joined the others, then headed out to the reception. Upon arrival, everyone clapped their hands and cheered, congratulating the couple. Lavanya went up to them and led them to the stage, seating them down. She picked up a mic by the DJ and spoke.

"Good evening everyone and welcome! Tonight, we celebrate the first anniversary of Bhai's and Bhabi's marriage."

Everyone clapped.

"Food is being placed now, so everyone can go line up. In a few, some of our loved ones will share a story. Thank you."

Lavanya turned off the mic and the guests dispersed. She went over to the couple, as well as Akash, Payal, NK, and Seema. 

"Aww, you followed the family tradition," Lavanya said to Khushi.

Khushi smiled. "Of course."

"So Nanav, you ready for me to say an embarrassing story to the guests," NK said, wagging his eyebrows mischievously.

Arnav frowned. "Shut up."

Seema lightly hit NK's arm. "Can't you behave for once," she teased.

"NK not messing with Bhai? That would take a miracle," Akash said.

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