Chapter Ten

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Aryan and a worker walked into Arnav's room. Arnav was laying back in bed, his arms crossed, looking out the window, when Aryan and the worker came in. Arnav acknowledged their presence and then went went back to looking out the window. The worker set the food down and Aryan sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Chote," Aryan said, "have something to eat."

"No," Arnav said lowly."

"Chote, you have to eat."

"I don't want to."

Aryan came closer. "Alright Chote, what is going on? For the past few days, you've been acting like this. What's the deal?"


Aryan sighed. "I'm your father Chote; I know."

"No you don't."

"Just cause I'm not your mother."

Arnav looked up at him. "No."


Arnav looked down and sighed. "Dad, please, don't ask."

"But I am."


"Because it's obvious that you're bothered and upset."

Arnav rolled his eyes and looked away.

"And it's obvious that... this isn't just any problem... but a girl problem."

Arnav's eyes shot up at his fathers. "How'd you know?"

"You forget that your old man has already gone through the phase."

Arnav looked side to side.

"Now tell me: what exactly is the problem?"

"... I don't want to say anything."

Aryan sighed. "Fine... but, at least eat."

He got up and left Arnav's room. Later, Dai Ma came in to take the tray, but Arnav hadn't touched a single thing on it.

"Beta, why aren't you eating," she said, tears forming.

"Im not hungry."

"But if you don't eat, you'll die," she cried.

Arnav looked at her with raged eyes. "THEN I'D RATHER DIE!"

Dai Ma flinched and she quickly left, crying. Arnav got mad at himself and threw the lamp off his right-bedside table. Aryan came back that instant and was pissed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON," Aryan boomed.

If there was anyone who could tame Arnav, it was Aryan, and Arnav cooled down and looked away.

"Seriously Chote, you HAVE to tell me what's eating you! If you don't tell me, then how can I help you?!"

"I don't need any help?"

"Really? It doesn't seem like you're getting anywhere, the way I see it!"

Arnav just looked at Aryan. "Dad-"

"Don't call me that. If you really thought of me as your dad, the. You'd tell me so I could help you. There is nothing in this work that can stop me from giving my only child his happiness. ... but I guess you don't care."

Aryan started to walk away and just when he was at the door, Arnav spoke.


Aryan stopped and looked at him confused.

"Her name is Khushi."

"Khushi what?"

"Khushi Kumari Gupta."

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