Chapter Eighteen

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Sunlight came seeping in through the curtains. It landed over Khushi and woke her up. Khushi blinked and adjusted to the light and then realized her surroundings: she was in Arnav's room, in his bed. Khushi thought back to the day before and blushed as she thought of last night. She looked down and saw Arnav's chest, and then she looked up. Arnav was still asleep, his head tilted so that it was resting on her head. Reaching out, she carefully caressed his face. She let her fingers travel to his soft hair and she lightly sighed, feeling contempt.

She was no longer Khushi Kumari Gupta, but Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. Thinking of her new name made her heart flutter. Being with Arnav meant everything to her. She was now a part of him, mentally and physically, and she blushed once more. Not only was she apart of him, but a part of his family.

That's when Khushi remembered. Slowly and carefully, she got up, so that she wouldn't disturb Arnav. She went over to the wardrobe and picked out a beautiful red sari and headed to the bathroom to wash up and shower. When she came out, Arnav was still asleep. He had moved slightly but he was still asleep.

Khushi began to dry her hair with the towel she had wrapped around her head. She stood in front of the mirror and put in her moisturizer and was about to take a pinch of her vermillion, when Arnav groaned.

Arnav moved and placed his arm where Khushi would've been. "Babe, where are you?"

Khushi smiled. "Over here."

Arnav smiled and then opened his eyes. "Good morning, Mrs. Raizada."

"Good morning Mr. Raizada," Khushi blushed.

Arnav moved the blanket aside and stood up as Khushi placed the towel down. When she looked back up at him, her eyes widened. They went down and shot back up to his. Arnav was still tired and was stretching when he saw Khushi's expression. That's when he realized he was naked. Khushi instantly turned around and went red. She couldn't believe she his thing! Arnav looked down at himself and smirked at Khushi. She was hesitant, nonstop tucking her hair behind her ear. Arnav found her innocence really cute and went over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, making Khushi gasp.


"Were you just checking me out," Arnav teased.

"N-n-no," she stuttered.

"Didn't seem like it."

Arnav rubbed his nose from her shoulder to her neck. Khushi clutched onto her sari and stood still, feeling delicious tingles run through her body. Arnav began to suck and nibble on her neck and Khushi got worried. She needed to hurry downstairs because she wanted to make breakfast and tea for everyone.

She kept thinking of a way for Arnav to stop, but then she began to wonder if she should continue to call Arnav as "Arnav" or "Arnavji". But then her thoughts were disturbed as she felt something at her behind. And instantly, she knew very well what that something was, and she gasped.

"I guess you've figured that I want you right now," Arnav teased.

He pressed his body closer to hers and Khushi gasped again at the feeling of his erection.

Arnav placed small, fluttery kisses behind her ear. "But as much as I badly want you, I'll let you go."

Arnav loosened his grip and let her go. Khushi let her breath go, not even realizing when she was holding it in the first place. Arnav quickly pecked her cheek and left towards the bathroom, grabbing some clothes from the wardrobe as he left.

When the door shut, Khushi held onto the vanity table and blushed. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Slowly bringing her hand up, she felt her cheek, where he had just kissed her. She blushed again and bit her pinky.

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