Chapter Forty Nine

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It was a lovely afternoon at Raizada mansion, not to mention a lazy one. Work at the office was slow for Arnav, as well as for Aryan down in town hall. That's why the two men headed home, Arnav having already arrived while Aryan was on his way. Khushi and Shalini were relaxing in the living room, watching TV while enjoying some strawberries. Both women sat with their feet up, thanks to the recliners. Arnav laid his head in Khushi's lap, cooing to her stomach.

"...and boy am I glad that work was slow today, because it gave me time to spend with you, my tomato."

Khushi glanced down at him. "Your tomato?"

Arnav looked up at her. "Well you did say she's the size of a tomato."

Khushi giggled. "True, I did."

Arnav kissed her stomach. "Tomato."

"You know, if it is a girl, she'll definitely hate you for this."

"By the time she finds out, I'll have already gotten away with it, ain't that right tomato?"

Both Khushi and Shalini chuckled.

"Well, would the father of my tomato please get us some more strawberries," Khushi asked, batting her eyelashes.

Arnav looked at her for a moment. "That eyelash batting thing isn't necessary," and he got up with the empty bowl.

Khushi giggled and was about to say something when she paused with a squeal. Arnav looked back at her and Shalini moved beside Khushi as Khushi's hands shot out to her stomach.

"Ah," Khushi hissed, holding onto her stomach.

Arnav dashed back to her and placed the bowl down on the floor as he knelt before her on the floor. "Khushi, what's wrong?"

Khushi pursed her lips. "Mm, shaitan."

Arnav pulled back, looking at her oddly with confusion.

"Papa goes away so you punish me by kicking me hmm?"

Arnav's eyes widened. "W-what?"

Shalini's eyes grew with excitement. "He kicked?"

Khushi nodded and both Arnav and Shalini placed their hands over Khushi's stomach. Seconds passed when suddenly they felt the baby kick again.

"Oh my gosh," Shalini squealed, tears coming to her eyes as she gasped.

Arnav couldn't believe it. His hand remained over Khushi's stomach and Khushi watched him.

"I think papa's in shock."

As if the baby had understood, the baby kicked once more, bringing Arnav out of his reverie. His eyes darted to Khushi's and he immediately laid his head on her stomach.

"I'm right here, baby. I'm right here," he smiled.

Khushi smiled and ran her hand through his hair as he nuzzled her. Shalini couldn't help the tears which streamed down her cheeks. The sight before her was one she never thought she'd ever get to see first hand, and now here she was, feeling blessed more than ever.


"27 weeks Khushi, you're at the last week of your second trimester," Khushi's doctor said. "How are you feeling?"

"To tell you the truth, slightly anxious Dr. Fields."

"That's understandable," she smiled. "It is your first pregnancy, and it's about to feel realer than ever."

Khushi nodded. "Pretty soon he'll be here, out in the real world... I don't know if I'll ever be ready."

Dr. Fields sighed with a small smile. "Well from mother to mother-to-be, I'll be honest with you - I don't think anyone is ever ready. To tell you the truth, when I was in labor and my doctor was telling me to push, I was refusing because I just wasn't ready yet, especially since my daughter was three weeks early."

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