Chapter Thirty Three

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"Khushi, could you come here please?"

"Coming Papa," Khushi hollered back.

Khushi and Divya had been working in the kitchen, preparing lunch. With Arnav away, Khushi was able to give more time to the housework, hoping that this would give her points on Divya's chart. However, with Arnav away, some of the work load poured onto her, as well as Aryan, so every now and then, Khushi would have to ditch the housework for the office work.

Going to Aryan, Khushi did just that, taking a bit more time than she had hoped. And unfortunately when she was coming back into the kitchen, she heard Divya muttering about her all over again, just like she had been since the first day she heard her. It was only getting worse and worse by the day, and Khushi was worried.

Little did Khushi know that this time, she would hear so much more.

"...and gajar ka halwa, yet I'm making it," Khushi heard Divya complain. "What did she say? I'm in the mood for gajar ka halwa and I bet Papa would love it! Too bad Arnav isn't here," she mocked and then twitched her lips. "Wants it all but doesn't do shit, stupid villager."

Khushi pursed her lips, trying not to let her words hurt her.

"I swear, what the hell did her parents teach her? To put her feet up and relax at her in-laws? Then again what would she learn, the bitch's parents don't even like her," she cackled.

Khushi looked down at the floor.

"And Aryan? Oof, Aryan... always getting the opposite impression of people. You bring a daughter in-law in and instead of making her work, you're still making me work! She's not my bahu, she's my daughter - chi! Where are you and where is that low-class villager? Daughter? My foot!"

Divya stirred the halwa angrily. "Get it through your head Aryan, she's not what you think; you always get people wrong. Then again it's normal of you to do so. You're doing it now with this bitch like you did with Shalini."

Khushi's eyes widened at the mentioning of her deceased mother in-law and she looked back up.

"Shalini," she mocked with disgust. "What was so good about her anyways? Yet you fell in love with her," the woman pouted. "It shouldn't have been her!"

Shouldn't have been her, Khushi wondered.

"Khushi bhabi," a worker hollered.

Divya immediately snapped out of her rant and straightened her spine. Khushi backed away from the doorway immediately before Divya turned around and saw her. Khushi looked down the hall and saw one of the workers hollering for her, so she quickly went that way. When she got to the worker, she saw Divya poking her head out of the kitchen, seeming somewhat relived, as if Khushi hadn't heard what she said.

But boy was she wrong!

"Khushi bhabi," the worker began, bringing Khushi's attention back to her, "your phone."

Khushi nodded and took it, seeing that Arnav had called her three times. Calling him back quickly before he went crazy, Khushi left to Arnav's study, feeling the need of privacy.

"Khushi, where were you," Arnav said when he picked up the phone.

"Hello to you too, I'm fine," Khushi frowned.

"Don't give me that, why didn't you pick up your phone?"

"Arnav relax, I didn't have my phone near me. There's no need to shout."

Arnav was about to say something when he sighed. "You're right, I'm sorry."

Khushi sat down in a chair by the fireplace. "Is something wrong," she asked softly.

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