Chapter Thirty Five

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As quick as she could, Khushi tidied up the room and left to her bedroom. The second she got in, she shut and locked the door, and leaned up against it.

What the hell was that?

Khushi's phone rang, scaring her and causing her to yelp with a jump. She quickly ran to her phone and picked it up without looking at who was calling her.

"Who is it," she asked immediately.

"Salman Khan."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows. "What-?"

"Really Khushi? It's me, Arnav. You know, the number one husband in the world."

Khushi gasped and sighed in relief. "Oh thank heavens."

Arnav chuckled. "Khushi are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine," she lied. "Why are you calling at this hour?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I know it's late but I didn't hear your voice all day. I planned on calling earlier but I was so busy - honestly I can't wait for this week to end."

Arnav expected a response from Khushi, but she only hummed.

"Khushi, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm totally fine. Just thinking about you," she played off.

Arnav was quiet for a moment. "Lies," he eventually said.

Khushi's eyes widened. "Is not," she defended.

"Yes it is. You're not playing with your mangalsutra."

Khushi glanced down and saw that she wasn't. "Yes I am," she lied.

"Khushi don't lie to me. Especially about this."

Khushi bit on her fingernail.

"Now tell me what's bothering you," he demanded softly.

Should I tell him?


Khushi sighed. "Promise you won't laugh?"

"Promise, now tell me!"

Khushi slouched her shoulders at the tone of his voice. "I thought there was a ghost," she muttered.

"A what," Arnav asked, not hearing her clearly.

"I thought there was a ghost. In Papa's study."

For a moment, Arnav was quiet. However when Khushi heard him break a snicker, she blew up.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!"

And Arnav could no longer hold it in.


"I'm sorry," he laughed, "but a ghost? Really? Khushi that's the most ridiculous-!"

But before he could finish, Khushi hung up on him.

"What the? Khushi?" Arnav looked at his phone confusedly.

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