Chapter Thirty One

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Arnav groaned and burped.

"Arnav," Khushi scolded.

Arnav shrugged. "Sorry, I had too many luchis," he said innocently.

Khushi shook her head while Aryan chuckled. 

"I love dinners like this," Aryan said. "All of us happy and joking around. Its all thanks to you Khushi - you've brought happiness into our lives again," he winked.

Khushi blushed. "Surely I didn't do anything."

"But you have," Arnav said. "Dinner used to be dead quiet before you came. It was just awkward and weird. Thank you babe," he winked.

Khushi blushed and gaped at him while Arnav chuckled.

"You have no shame," Divya said.

Khushi looked up at her and she was shaking her head with a grin.

"Can't help it," Arnav shrugged.

Arnav caught the look on his father's face and he frowned.

"Oh don't you give me that face dad. I remember the stuff you did."

"What he did," Khushi questioned.

"I've done nothing," Aryan said innocently, taking a drink of his water.

"Counter top," Arnav said, and Aryan sputtered out his water.

Khushi looked at Aryan with wide eyes and went over to him. "Papa are you okay?"

Aryan wiped his mouth. "I thought we agreed to never mention that again."

Arnav shrugged. "You can't blame me for any of my actions. I just get it from my old man," he said, crossing his arms.

"What are you talking about," Divya asked.

"Busy in the kitchen," Arnav sang.

"Arnav," Aryan scolded.

Divya's eyes widened and she looked at Aryan. Khushi couldn't believe her own ears and looked at Aryan.

"Had I walked in a little later," Arnav continued, "I probably would have-"

"That's enough Arnav," Aryan said.

Khushi pursed her lips, trying to stop herself from smiling. The way Aryan's face had turned red from embarrassment was just too cute.

"Like father, like son," Khushi said.

"Actually in our case, it's like father & mother-"

Aryan stopped himself and looked at Arnav. Khushi looked at him with confusion and then at Arnav. Arnav was looking down, the amusement on his face gone. Without a word, he got up and left.

"Arnav," Khushi called out.

She went after him but Arnav didn't stop and went upstairs. Khushi stood there, completely puzzled by her husband's actions.

Aryan came behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Just give him a moment."

Khushi looked at him confusedly. "Why did he leave like that? Is it because you mentioned Ma?"

Aryan nodded. 

"But why? He usually doesn't react this way."

Aryan looked down. "It's Shalini's death anniversary today."

Khushi gasped. "It is? But why didn't anyone say anything? I didn't even know it was today."

"Because we never speak of it."

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