Chapter Sixty One

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The sound of a steady beep echoed in the room, pulling Khushi away from her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and was struck by light, forcing her to shut them immediately. Slowly, she blinked her eyes open and became aware of the white hospital room.

I'm alive?

Khushi glanced around, when she noticed Arnav sleeping on the couch on the other side of the room.

He didn't do it.

As if he had heard her thoughts, Arnav's eyes shot open. He blinked a few times and groaned, before opening them and meeting Khushi's eyes. "Khushi."

Khushi instantly looked away, feeling hot tears stream down her cheeks. Arnav got up and went to her side, placing his hand in her hair. "Baby-"

"How could you," Khushi cried. "How could you? After I asked you to-"

Khushi broke into tears, paining Arnav.


Khushi faced him. "How could you be so selfish," she whispered. "How could you steal one's life away?"


"You're so selfish. I thought the man I loved would do the right thing.... You are not the man I fell in love with and you most definitely do not truly love me," and she turned away again, crying.

Just then, the door opened, Dr. Fields entered.

"I'm glad you're awake Khushi," she smiled softly. "My colleague, well... she still can't believe it."

Khushi looked at the doctor in confusion as she checked her charts then turned to a monitor.

"Now then, let's check on the little one."

Now Khushi was truly confused. "What?"

"The baby of course. Although both of you are miraculously okay..."

Khushi glanced at Arnav, who was looking at Dr, Fields, and looked back at the doctor.

"...we still want to keep you under our watch, especially the baby. Now let's take a good look."

Khushi just looked at Dr. Fields in confusion as the good doctor prepared for the ultrasound. She registered the cold feel of the jelly, but her eyes stayed fixed on her. Dr. Fields checked the monitor, locating the baby, while Arnav watched.

"And there's the little one."

Khushi looked at the screen and gasped. Her child was truly there.

"Judging by the size, your baby is at least 8 weeks." She looked back at Khushi. "You're still in the first trimester and even if luck was by your side during this critical event, you must take good care of yourself. With a husband and family like yours, I'm sure you'll be fine, but still, as your doctor, I must repeat myself."

"Don't worry Dr. Fields," Arnav said, his arms crossed. "We'll take extra good care of my kidney bean."

"Almost the size of a grape," Dr. Fields smiled. "I'll leave you two to it then. Khushi, get a lot of rest, okay? I'll have a letter sent home with a date and time of your next appointment."

"Thank you Dr. Fields."

"Not a problem." She made her way to Arnav and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I may be watching out for the little one and its mother, but you are the true protector."

Khushi looked at them in confusion.

"If it weren't for your faith and strong belief, who knows, we probably wouldn't have ever seen such a miracle. But the love you have for your wife and your unborn child shows how much even modern science can't do." She turned to Khushi. "You're really lucky to have a man such as Arnav who loves you oh so very much."

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