Chapter Sixty Seven

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"Come on little man, say dada! Say dada!"

But all Arnav got in return was raspberries.

Khushi couldn't help her chuckle as she leaned back on the couch. "Give it up Arnav - its not happening."

Arnav frowned at Khushi. For the past few days of their vacation, Arnav had been trying really hard to get Aarav to say dada first, but his son was more interested in his toys and blowing raspberries, as well as chewing on his giraffe.

Arnav held Aarav up, Aarav letting out a giggle around the poor giraffe he was chewing on, his daddy's frown looking very funny to the little one.

"You can't let me down again," Arnav frowned at him.

"And when was the first supposed time he let you down," Khushi smirked, her eyebrow arched.

"When he decided to be a boy instead of a girl," and Khushi couldn't help but to chuckle.

"I'm pretty sure he had no choice in that," she grinned.

But Arnav continued to frown, Khushi still chuckling.

"Ignore Mama," Arnav muttered to Aarav.

"Muh," Aarav said around the giraffe.

Arnav moved the plush out of his mouth. "No, not mama - say dada."

"Mmm... muh."

"No mama... dada."

Khushi grinned at the sight of Arnav's annoyance. Finding the moment just too cute, Khushi got her phone out and began recording the two.

"Come on Aarav, I know you can do it, say dada."

But Aarav only blew a raspberry in return.

"Say dada. Da... da."

Aarav instead plopped the giraffe back into his mouth.

"I guess not," Khushi chuckled. "Looks like mama will be his first word."

"Muh... mum."

Both Arnav's and Khushi's eyes widened and they looked at Aarav.


"That's it Aarav, you've almost got it," she smiled, her eyes swelling with tears. "You can say it, say mama."

"Ma... mama."

Khushi squealed out with joy while Arnav looked at Aarav in shock, the little baby letting out a laugh like his mother. Khushi got off of the the couch and picked Aarav into her arms, reversing the camera on her phone to them.

"Say it again Aarav, say mama."

"Mama," the little one exclaimed.

Khushi's tears flowed free and she smothered Aarav with kisses, the little one no longer finding things fun, fussing instead. Arnav got up, still rather shocked, but he took Aarav back into his arms.

Arnav let out a sigh. "Oh well... maybe next time."

"I have to let everyone know immediately, we have to celebrate!"

Khushi went rushing to the kitchen, Arnav following behind with Aarav in his arms. There was some chocolate cake in the fridge that they had gotten from the market the other day, so they celebrated with that, Khushi giving Aarav a little bit of it as well.

Too ecstatic, Khushi posted on social media and let the family know about Aarav's milestone, and all of the ladies were ecstatic, the men somewhat bummed because they somewhat expected dada to be Aarav's first word, but an accomplishment was an accomplishment and they were proud of the little one. Lavanya being Lavanya, immediately planned for a family get-together to celebrate the moment. Arnav found it a little too much, but then again his little sister had helped his wife out with her vacation outfits, so he decided not to complain.

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