Chapter Seven

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Solving the situation, Khushi had shifted back to her regular schedule, working at the daycare after school like she used to. Things went back to normal with Arnav and Khushi spending time during their free time and on the weekends. Arnav would ignore Viren and Sheetal, still pissed at them for their attitude, mostly at Sheetal. Khushi tried to make him understand, but he wouldn't budge.

Soon, Arnav and Khushi had become the star people on campus. They even got a couple name: ArShi. All over campus, that's all people buzzed about. ArShi this, ArShi that - nonstop ArShi. But who couldn't? Some even actually started to think that they were cute together.  

Though most people actually started to like seeing ArShi together, there were some who didn't whatsoever. One person in particular: Sheetal. Sheetal couldn't stand the two together. She would go the other way when she saw them together, disgusted seeing a handsome guy like Arnav with a nothing like Khushi.

One day when she was late to class intentionally, she was going to class, when she saw Arnav. Finding it a chance to talk alone, she followed him. Arnav was faster than she was and he just zoomed around, but Sheetal followed behind.

When she turned the corner, she saw Arnav leaning against the wall. She was about to go to him, when Khushi appeared, which ticked Sheetal off.

"Arnav," Khushi began, "why did you tell me to meet you here?"

Arnav held his hand out and Khushi placed hers in his. He pulled her in and Khushi widened her eyes and looked at his mischievous grin.

"Because I can," he simply said.

Khushi felt slightly scared. "A-Arnav I-I-I have c-class-"

"It can wait," he said, tucking her hair behind her hair.

Sheetal scowled. Look at her, she said in her head, acting all cutesy and innocent, she twitched her lips.


"Shh," Arnav shushed Khushi. "Just a few minutes."

"But Arnav, it's an important lecture-"

"It doesn't matter," he cupped her face, "because I know my Khushi is a bright woman."

Khuushi looked into his eyes. "Really?"

"With all my heart."

Khushi smiled a shy smile, blushing lightly.

Are you serious, Sheetal exclaimed in her head. She was about to go and say something, when Arnav turned Khushi and himself around, backing Khushi up against the wall.

"Arnav, what are you-"

But Arnav cut Khushi off, kissing her. Khushi was surprised by his sudden action and Sheetal's jaw had dropped to the ground. Eventually Khushi's eyes drifted shut and she melted into Arnav's kiss. She let out a tiny moan and Arnav let out a small growl from his throat. He grew hungry for her and deepened the kiss, holding Khushi up against the wall with his hips.

Sheetal couldn't believe what he was seeing with her own two eyes. She was in complete shock! Her eyes were just stuck on ArShi.

Arnav let go of Khushi's lips and trailed down to her neck. Khushi's eyes were wide, pupils dilated.

"Arnav," Khushi whispered as she felt him suck on her neck.

Arnav's hands went to her waist and held her in place. Khushi had her arms wrapped around his neck, one hand going in his hair instinctively.

"Arnav please," Khushi whispered.

She felt him nibble on her neck and she took in a sharp breath, grasping his hair tight. Arnav blew against it and looked up at her wide, doe-like eyes. Leaning in, he kissed her lips softly and gave it a love bite.

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