Chapter Thirty

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With days passing by, AR Industries became busier and busier. Arnav and Khushi were busier than ever, as they had landed a really good deal. Khushi felt bad that she was spending most of her time on the company instead of housework, but Arnav needed her help more than anyone.

One day, Khushi had managed to make some spare time. She headed on down to the kitchen and found Dai Ma working.

"Dai Ma, do you need help," she asked.

"I'm fine," she smiled sweetly.

"You sure? And do you know where Papa is? I wanted to ask him if he wanted kheer for dessert or something else."

"I think he's in his study."

"Okay," Khushi smiled, and she turned away.

Dai Ma turned back to her work and scoffed. "Do you need help? What the hell does it look like? Do I need help," she mocked. "I still can't believe Aryan brought this random village girl into the house as Chote's wife."

She twitched her lips. "You'd think that by bringing in a village girl, she would help around the house but no! Now she thinks of herself as some Maharani," she scoffed. "I told Aryan to let me find a girl for Chote, but no! Chote will fall in love, he said. Well look at the trash he brought in."

"Dai Ma?"

She turned around to see Khushi standing there.

"Could you leave a bowl of flour and a jug of water for me, please? Arnav wants to eat luchis today."

Her eyes widened slightly, though on the inside she was relieved Khushi hadn't heard her.

"Oh," she said innocently.

"Yeah," Khushi smiled softly. "He just asked me out of the blue."

Dai Ma smiled. "Well if that's what Chote desires to eat, then that's what will be made."

Khushi smiled. "Thanks."

Khushi walked out of the kitchen and stood by the door. She heard Dai Ma sigh and move some items.

"She's lucky Chote asked," Dai Ma said. "If that bitch decided on it, I'd just pretend to forget."

Khushi's eyes widened and she turned away to go to the study.

Oh my gosh! I can't believe Dai Ma just said that! And the stuff before!

That's right, Khushi had heard what Dai Ma had said.

Why does she hate me? I never did anything to her? Is she mad that I haven't been helping her lately?


Khushi snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see herself standing outside of the study. Aryan looked at her curiously, a photo album in his hands.

"Is something wrong," he asked.

Khushi shook her head. "No," she lied. "I just wanted to ask if you'd like kheer for dessert or something else."

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