Chapter Fifty Five

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It had only been almost five months since the loss of their first born. The couple had grieved and faced many things, and had made a promise to each other. It wasn't long until that promise had been fulfilled - Khushi was once again pregnant. The Raizada family were shocked when they learned the news, Shalini especially. She feared if the two were rushing it, but Arnav and Khushi explained to her that they needed this before they lost their sanity. It broke her heart to hear those words and Shalini gave them her blessings, as well Aryan.

News of Khushi's pregnancy spread through the town, and everyone knew. Shyam and Anjali had only just returned from their honeymoon when they learned this. The newly wedded couple was very happy for their sister and only wished for her well being. After what she had been through, Khushi deserved this, and they would help her through it, making sure that nothing happened to her nor her child.

Shyam was very happy to learn of this news. He wanted to shout to the world that his sister was the strongest of them all and that no matter what people whispered amongst each other, she would remain strong. He wanted to spread the news, as well as Anjali. However, what did they know that along with this good news, they would hear bad news.

Something so bad, it was absolutely revolting.


Shyam wanted nothing more than to see his sister. He wanted to congratulate her, and so did Anjali. So they had planned a date to go over to Raizada mansion, and Shyam forced his parents to as well. Shashi and Garima had fussed, after how Khushi and Arnav had insulted them. But Shyam refused to back down and told them that if they didn't treat Khushi the way she deserved, then he and Anjali would leave. That one, simple threat was all it took to get them to agree, which absolutely disgusted Shyam.

It was the first time that the senior Gupta's had ever gone to Raizada mansion. Neither Shashi nor Garima could believe their eyes when they saw the inside of the huge mansion.


The Gupta's looked up and saw Khushi smiling from end to end. She made her way down to them and Shyam ran over to her, hugging her. Tears came free as Khushi hugged Shyam back. Letting go of her brother, Khushi hugged Anjali.

"How are you two? How was your honeymoon? Did he behave?"

Anjali chuckled. "Somewhat, but that's not important, Di. How are you? We heard the good news."

Khushi smiled with a nod. "I'm pregnant," she breathed.

Anjali smiled, forcing back her tears. She hugged Khushi again and Khushi hugged her back. "It will be just fine, Di. I know it."

"Everything will be," Shyam said.

Arnav came walking into the room, his parents and sister behind him. "That it will be."

Shyam turned to Arnav as he came in front of him. The two men looked at each other for brief moment, before reaching out to shake hands. Arnav glanced at his in-laws and saw them looking around. Khushi looked at them as well and remembering their last encounter, she decided that it would be best to ignore them.

"Come, sit," Khushi smiled, and they all sat down. "Tell me, how was the honeymoon? Did you two have fun?"

"Uh, we can talk about that another time, Di," Shyam said, glancing at the elders.

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