Chapter Sixty Three

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Several weeks passed, Khushi becoming even more pregnant, Aarav growing day by day, Shalini fulfilling her dream with Ahana, and a new member arriving to the Raizada clan. Upon the arrival of NK's and Seema's son, the family had once again gotten crazy. There were parties every other day, gatherings every two, and nonstop fun.

But things were getting a bit hectic and Arnav thought a break was necessary. So he decided to take his wife and son away for a few days, getting away from all of the madness.

Arnav was driving down along the road, Khushi sitting in the back, cooing at Aarav as he waved his hands.

"I thought he was supposed to be asleep by now," Arnav chuckled, glancing into the rear-view mirror.

"He should be, but I guess my little boy is excited, isn't he? Isn't he," she cooed.

Aarav cooed and laughed, and Khushi nuzzled his cheek.

"Looks like mommy is excited too," Arnav grinned.

Khushi looked up at him. "To be honest, I am. This is the first time we're going away as a family. Plus, the last time we really went away like this was during our honeymoon."

Arnav sighed. "Feels like it was just the other day."

"Hmm," Khushi smiled softly, running the back of her thumb on her son's cheek.

Arnav glanced at the rear-view mirror.  "I love you babe."

Khushi smiled at him. "I love you too."

Arnav continued to drive down the road, when Khushi saw a mandhir. She asked Arnav if they could quickly make a stop, and Arnav obliged. Taking Aarav in her arms, Khushi got out of the car, Arnav following behind. They made their way to the mandhir and prayed, hoping for the best of their coming child and of their entire family. Once they were done praying, they decided to hand out some sweets to the poor, who were sitting outside of the mandhir. While Arnav held Aarav, Khushi handed out the sweets, everyone giving them their blessings.

Khushi came upon the last of the poor, who happened to be a couple.  As Khushi moved over to them, Aarav fussed in Arnav's arms.

"Uh, Khushi, I think he's hungry," Arnav said.

"Okay, I made sure to bring enough-"

Khushi paused, bringing Arnav's attention away from their son to her, causing him to pause as well. Sitting down on the ground was none other than Khushi's parents. Khushi looked at them in shock, stunned by their state. They were an absolute mess, their clothes torn and worn out. A dark blanket covered the two, but it was evident that it wasn't enough for them.

"A-amma? Babuji?"

The couple looked up, shocked by the sight of their daughter.

Khushi came down to her knees, meeting them at eye-level. She still couldn't believe that it was actually her parents, sitting here, in this state.

"What... what are you guys doing here? How...?"

Garima looked down in shame, Shashi wrapping his arm around her.

"What happened?"

Shashi looked down as well. "After... after what happened, it just wasn't possible to stay in town anymore... so we left everything behind ."

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