Chapter Forty Five

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Arnav stared up at the ceiling as Khushi ran her fingers through his hair. He laid in his wife's lap, both relaxing in bed after a nice lunch with the family.

Arnav turned to face Khushi and caressed her tummy. "How's my little princess doing?"

"Since you last asked two minutes ago? Absolutely fine," Khushi smirked lightly.

Arnav frowned. "What, I can't help it. It's not like I get to know what my little- what fruit did you say? Kumquat?"

Khushi nodded.

"It's not my fault I don't know what my little kumquat is doing; I'm not her mother."

Khushi chuckled. "No, you're not. And why do you keep calling our son a kumquat?"

"Because you said she's about the size of one."

"Well I think he is. It's either that or bigger."

"It only has been two weeks since we found out."

"True... kumquat it is."

Arnav grinned and kissed her stomach. "Get used to the nicknames," he said to her stomach. "It'll be like that for a while, and then once you get here, we'll get you your official nickname, of course after we figure out what to name you."

"So it's fruits for now," Khushi teased lightly.

Arnav chuckled. "Whatever she can be compared to in size."

"So you'll call him a lime when he's the size of that?"

"Yes I will, and she can yell at me all she wants when she's older, but I'll already have gotten away with it," he grinned.

Khushi laughed as Arnav nuzzled her stomach. "Well if we do have a girl, you better get ready because daddy's little princess will always have you on your toes."

Arnav covered her stomach with his hands. "Ssh, don't teach her that!"

Khushi rolled her eyes. "It'll happen naturally."

Arnav scowled. "Will not."

Khushi cocked her eyebrow. "Lavanya," she simply said, and that was all she needed to prove her point.

Arnav's eyes widened. "Oh no," he whispered.

"Oh yes," Khushi said mischievously.

Arnav blinked up at her and then down at her stomach. "Please don't be another Lavanya," he begged.

Khushi laughed. "We'll just have to wait and see."

Arnav laid back down in her lap. "At least you now agree we'll have a little girl."

Khushi sighed, leaning back into her pillow. "I don't know... no matter what we have, be it a boy or a girl, I will be extremely happy. But something inside me tells me that it'll be a boy."

Arnav frowned. "Inside you?"

Khushi shrugged. "Intuition?"

Arnav snickered lightly and Khushi frowned.

"It's not funny, It's a mother's intuition. And besides it's like everyone else says; mother knows best," she sang, like Gothel from Tangled.

Arnav looked at her. "Does she now," he smiled lightly, his eyes filled with love and humor.

"Yes she does, daddy," Khushi smiled softly.

With a grin, Arnav got up and kissed her passionately, both of their hands over Khushi's abdomen, passing on their love to their child.

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