Chapter Six

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Later that day, Arnav really had to meet up with Khushi. With everyone talking shit in every direction, he knew at least one person would've offended Khushi at any cost. When he arrived to class, he didn't see Khushi there.

That's weird, he thought. Khushi never misses class.

Sitting in his seat, he looked around. Khushi wasn't in sight! Class began, and Khushi still hadn't arrived. Throughout the entire class, all Arnav would do was look up at the door. He kept expecting Khushi to come through the door, but she never came. It worried Arnav now.

Did someone say something to her? I hope not, he gritted his teeth.

When class ended, Arnav went zooming out the class.

"Yo Arnav," Viren hollered, but Arnav completely ignored him.

"What's his deal," a friend asked.

"Nah, don't worry. He'll be over it."


Arnav headed to the library, expecting Khushi where they normally sat. But once he arrived there, Khushi wasn't in sight. She wasn't anywhere in the library! This got Arnav mad and he didn't like it one bit. He went out of the library and looked for Khushi all over campus, but no dice!

This continued on a few days, but Arnav never saw her. Unfortunately, their Business Administration class had gotten cancelled for the week, so Arnav wouldn't be able to see Khushi whatsoever in that class for now. And every day he would go to the library, Arnav would never see her. This was really starting to irritate Arnav, and he wasn't going to take it for long.

Then it came to Arnav that she worked at the local daycare, so he decided to go there. After all his classes, he went over there and saw the lady at the front counter.

"Hi," Arnav said. "I'm looking for Khushi. Khushi Kumari Gupta."

The lady smiled. "Khushi? I'm sorry, but she's not here now."

"What? But she works after her classes."

"She used to. Now she comes in during the middle of the day, when she has her free time."

Now Arnav understood where she would disappear off during their free time. She would come here, so that this way she could entirely avoid him.

"But why are you looking for her," the lady asked.

Arnav snapped back to earth. "Oh, I have a surprise for her."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. You know, since she's my girlfriend."

"Oh how sweet," she gushed.

"Yeah," he breathed. "Anyways, thanks."

"No problem," she smiled.

Arnav turned to walk away, when he turned back. "Excuse me?"

"Yes," she said looking up.

"Could you not tell Khushi I was here? So that I can surprise her?'

"Of course! I won't say a word," she smiled, pretending to zip her lips.

Arnav smiled and he walked out. He headed towards home and couldn't help but to think of his discovery. Khushi was avoiding him. She was truly avoiding him. But why? Did someone say something really offensive? But she still came to college; it was just that she was gone during her free time.

Then what could it be, he wondered. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I'm not letting go of you so easily Khushi Kumari Gupta.


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