Chapter Three

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Khushi sat at her desk and was studying, when she started to remember earlier today and how she and Arnav were studying together in the library. All the moments came back to her crystal clear like it just happened a second ago. Thinking about it made her smile. She didn't even realize she was smiling. Just then her mother came in.

“What the hell is wrong with you,” she asked.

Khushi looked away and returned to her book.

“You’re smiling like a love-sick idiot.”

Khushi looked up, her eyes wide. Love, she wondered.

Her mother placed her clothes down and placed her hand on her hip and looked at her. “Don’t get any funky ideas. When it comes time to your marriage, it’ll be who we decide.”

Khushi looked side to side.

“Waise bhi, you should’ve been married by now and probably with a kid. But no, you’re still in school getting your education done.”

Khushi went back to her book.

“What’s the point in you studying anyways? After marriage, you’ll be home all day and will be busy doing house chores and taking care of the kids. So then why bother?”

Khushi didn't say anything.

“Well, at least the good thing here is that your father and I don’t have to pay for you.”

She left Khushi’s room and after a few seconds of control, Khushi got up and shut her doors and locked it. She slid down to her feet and began to cry. It always hurt her when her parents would say things like that to her. She didn't like it one bit, but she never said a word.

After regaining a steady breath, she went back to studying, but couldn't focus. She decided to go to sleep, without even eating.


Arnav noticed that Khushi was gloomy. The sorrow in her eyes had increased, and she seemed very down. He decided not to say a word to her. He noticed throughout the day how she was like that. She also was the next few days, and it just stayed there, but she didn't allow it to appear on her face. But her eyes were the biggest give away.

These days, at the library, they would talk even more. When the new semester started, they had Business Administration together again, as well as lunch. They would still see each other at the library and would talk. Some people began to notice the closeness and it spread throughout the school.

As time passed on, Khushi began to get strange feelings that she had never felt before. Same too with Arnav. At one point Khushi began to realize when it was Arnav coming through the doors, even before he had even come in. It was crazy! She didn’t get it, but slowly, very slowly, she began to feel different. Her heart would race and she would feel extremely shy around Arnav.

What’s happening to me, Khushi thought one day, lying down in her bed.

It was the weekend and since the moment she woke up, all she could think about was Arnav.

Why can’t I stop thinking about him? I mean it’s insane! I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. … Is this normal?

Throughout the whole day, all she could think of was Arnav. Be it she was doing house chores or nothing, that’s all she thought of.

Going to bed that night, she had one crazy dream. Well, to her crazy, but in reality… erotic.

In her dream, she was with Arnav, alone. They were in a room together and he was holding her very close to him. Khushi blushed, looking away, and Arnav caressed her face and made her look up at him. Leaning in very close, he kissed her and Khushi relaxed and let him take control of her. Her feet began to give away and Arnav held her tightly to support her. He slowly led her back and carefully laid her down onto a bed. He came hovering above her and they were stuck into eye lock. Without a word, Arnav kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, and then her chin. Khushi was practically panting, and just as he was about to kiss her, she pushed him away and made a run for it. But Arnav was fast and caught her pallu and she froze, placing her hands over her chest. She looked back at her Arnav, her expression asking him to let go, but Arnav smirked a sexy smirk and pulled on her pallu. Her sari unraveled and Arnav caught her. Khushi turned away, her back facing him, and Arnav nibbled on her neck, while pulling the strings of her blouse. Khushi froze and Arnav slipped his hands underneath the fabric and pulled it over her head. Khushi realized then that she wasn't wearing a bra and she quickly covered herself. Arnav smiled to her shyness and sat down on the bed and turned her to face him. Khushi blushed and looked away from him. Arnav kept his eyes on her and pulled the string to her petticoat. It fell to the floor and Khushi realized she wasn't wearing anything there either and tried to cross her legs, but Arnav caught her legs. Khushi looked at him in confusion and Arnav continued that smirk of his. He placed his foot in between her feet, forcing her legs apart. Khushi didn't understand a thing that was going on, but she felt the thud-feeling down there. Before Khushi could ask what he was doing, Arnav leaned in and Khushi felt his mouth there. Khushi gasped freezing and feeling her blood rush there. Arnav toyed with her and Khushi’s mouth parted as she caught on air. He applied more pressure with his tongue and Khushi grabbed his hair. His hair felt extremely soft, but it wasn't enough to distract her from what Arnav was doing. Arnav tightened his grip on her legs and Khushi gasped again, pulling on his hair.

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