Chapter Four

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Arnav and Khushi were beyond happy. Arnav now wanted to spend time with her and Khushi the same. They had planned to go out that weekend and Khushi couldn't wait. Once Khushi got home that day, she was really, really giddy. She had a smile spread across her face and nothing was able to make her mood go down.

The weekend arrived and Khushi met Arnav out at the park. Not many people would go to the park, since everyone was too busy at work or being at home and stuck on their gadgets. The minute Arnav saw her, a smile spread across his face. Khushi was really his khushi =)

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Hi," Arnav replied, almost in a whisper, his voice hoarse.

They walked in the park and without even realizing, they were holding hands. But even after they did, they didn't mind. They liked it and liked being this close in proximity.

A couple of weeks passed by, and the two got extremely close. They spent time together as much as possible. In class they always sat together, in the library they were always together, and then later on they would meet outside and go on their date. The park being a serene place, it was their favorite place to go to because the two felt like they were in their own little world.

"It's such a beautiful day," Khushi said, taking in a deep breath and letting it go.

"It really is," Arnav replied, wrapping his arms around her. "But with you, I'd say it got better."

Khushi blushed and looked at her entangled fingers.

"Is my Khushi blushing," Arnav teased.

Khushi turned away, blushing more. Arnav was such a sweetheart, always creating cute teasing jokes and making her blush. And she absolutely loved it.

Arnav moved her hair aside and nuzzled her ear. Khushi took in a sharp breath, which Arnav had indeed heard. He rubbed his nose from her hair to her neck, and Khushi turned away, giving Arnav more access to her milky neck. Arnav nuzzled her neck and Khushi felt slight tickles, as well as that amazing feeling she would always get in her tummy.

"Arnav," she whispered.


Arnav was too distracted by her neck and kissed it. Khushi held his hands immediately, as Arnav began to suck on her flesh. This was the first time Arnav was doing anything like this to Khushi, let alone any girl. Arnav was just too caught up in her beauty, he couldn't help himself.

"Arnav," Khushi gasped.

Arnav nibbled on her neck and Khushi's hand went straight into Arnav's hair and she tugged.

"Arnav please," she whispered.

But Arnav sucked even more and bit down on her flesh, lightly.

"Ah! Arnav please," Khushi whispered, tugging on his hair.

Arnav let go and looked up at Khushi. She was lost in passion and it made him smile. He placed a soft kiss on where his mouth recently was, and Khushi had tingles run up her spine. She turned her head and looked at Arnav, whose eyes were filled with love and passion for her. Her heart melted and she smiled her shy smile. Arnav loved that smile very much and he kissed the corner of her mouth. Khushi blushed even more and she turned away. Arnav smiled and walked in front of Khushi. He cupped her face in his right hand and Khushi looked up at him.

Khushi gazed into his love-filled eyes and Arnav saw the love in her eyes, mirroring back. Khushi couldn't help but wonder what she did to deserve a man like Arnav. He was sweet in every way, a sweetheart, knowing how to love her perfectly. Thinking to the fairy-tales she had read as a little girl, she figured that Arnav was indeed her Prince Charming.

Taking in a sharp intake of breath, she moved her hands up and cupped Arnav's face in them. Arnav shut his eyes at her touch and let out a relaxed sigh. In their short time together, Khushi had never done this, being shy and in her shell. Today, she had broken some of that shell and did her deed. Arnav leaned into her hand and Khushi smiled lightly, feeling shy from the intense gaze he held at her eyes.

Arnav's hand slowly slid down to her waist and wrapped around it, Khushi not having a clue. She looked away, smiling shyly and blushing pink. Out of nowhere, Arnav pulled her into him and Khushi gasped, holding his neck tightly. She was centimeters away from his face... from his lips. Arnav noticed her chest heave the way it always did when they were this close in proximity. Today, after their few weeks of being together, he was finally going to kiss her. He understood that this was all new to Khushi and that she felt uncomfortable, so he gave her some space. But after seeing all the love in her eyes, he knew now was the right time.

Moving his left hand up, he cupped her face in his hand. Khushi leaned into it and shut her eyes, taking in a sharp breath. Her heart was acting up like crazy!

Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

And Arnav's heart was doing it as well.

Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

"Khushi," Arnav whispered, his voice low and hoarse.

Khushi shuddered slightly and looked into Arnav's eyes. The two gazed into each other love-filled eyes and Arnav looked down at her lips. Her plump, pink lips, that looked juicy. Unable to control his want/need/desire, Arnav really slowly leaned in. Khushi's eyes widened as she saw Arnav leaning in. But as he got closer, the fear left and she really wanted his lips on hers. Her eyes hooded, her chest heaved, and she was impatient, since Arnav was leaning in painfully slow.

Just as Arnav's lips were about to meet hers, she shut her eyes and her lips parted slightly. And within a nanosecond, his lips were on hers. Khushi gasped to the foreign feeling and felt his tongue in her mouth. Khushi's eyebrows scrunched as Arnav kissed her, experiencing this feeling she had never had before in her life. The way his lips were on hers and the way his tongue danced in her mouth... it was just breath taking!

Melting into the kiss, Khushi relaxed and let Arnav take full control of her, letting out a small moan. She let her fingers go into his hair and tangle in it, feeling his soft, tousled, brown hair. Khushi liked the feel of it and tugged on it. Arnav let out a small growl and he deepened the kiss. Khushi gasped again and tugged on his hair again. His actions were amazing and Khushi reacted every time.

Khushi just absolutely loved it and wanted more, so she pulled him to her. Arnav obliged, letting out a little growl from his throat and he moved them back and had Khushi lean against a tree. It was the biggest tree in the park, its trunk really wide that children loved to run around it. The tree covered up so much distance around and provided a great amount of shade. This tree was their favorite tree, so they would always be here.

When Khushi leaned up against the tree, she let out a moan into his mouth. Arnav groaned and pushed his body on hers. Khushi gasped, when she felt a bulge. She wasn't sure what it was, but from the intense kiss, Khushi didn't think about it for too long and got lost in the kiss once more.

Running out of breath, Khushi pulled away and gasped for air. Arnav rested his forehead on hers and gasped on air as well. Both tugged on the air, Arnav holding her by her waist to support her. Once gaining her breath, Khushi looked up into Arnav's intense hazel eyes, him already looking at her. Khushi blushed and pushed him away, feeling shy, and tried to run away, when Arnav grabbed her hand. Khushi froze and Arnav slowly walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her neck, ear, and hair, in that order.

"I love you Khushi," he whispered.

Khushi shuddered. "I love you too Arnav."

Arnav turned her to face him and he softly kissed her swollen lips. Letting go, Khushi and Arnav smiled, leaning their foreheads, not wanting the moment to end.

Little did they know that today, unlike the other days, there was actually someone around. Someone that had indeed seen them. Someone that had indeed seen everything.

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