Chapter Nine

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Arnav arrived onto campus early, unable to control his desire of seeing Khushi. In fact he was an hour early. Though he felt a bit ridiculous, he didn't care. Soon students arrived onto campus and Arnav was on the lookout for Khushi.

He didn't see her in the herd and scrunched his eyebrows. Where is she, he wondered.

He had seen Shyam arrive but not Khushi. It was odd to Arnav. He was standing at their usual meetup spot but there was no sign of Khushi. He thought maybe she could've been absent for the day, so he went to class, dealing with the long, boring, dreadful day.

Excited to see her the next day, Arnav once again arrived early on campus. He waited at the usual place, but there was no sight of Khushi. Shyam had arrived but no Khushi.

Is she sick, Arnav wondered.

The next day passed and he was really confused.

Where is she, Arnav wondered. It's been three days now. Is she okay?

Arnav saw Shyam with a group of friends and went after him.

"Yo Shyam!"

Shyam stopped and turned. "'sup Arnav?"

"Where's Khushi? She hasn't been here in days."

Shyam saw how concerned Arnav was and he had never seem anyone this concerned for Khushi, excluding himself.

"Well," Arnav pushed, "where is she? Is she okay?"

Shyam looked down. "I can't tell you."

"What? Why-"

"I just can't."

Arnav got pissed and grabbed Shyam by the collar. Some people noticed and turned to look and Shyam's friends were trying to make Arnav back off, but Arnav was just too strong.

"Now tell me Shyam: Where. Is. Khushi?"

Shyam just looked at him wide eyed.


Everything went dead quiet after that. They just froze and looked the two. Hearing Arnav scream like that got everyone scared, almost peeing in their pants.

Shyam had flinched and looked down. "I can't tell you-"

"Shyam, I will kill you if-"

"I can't tell you because I just can't bring it to my mouth," he blurted.

Arnav paused. "What?"

"I... what Di's going through..." he looked up at Arnav. "Arnav you have to go see her. Her condition just gets worse and... and I'm worried for my Di."

Arnav wondered what the problem could be. What could be the problem, he wondered.

"I'll give our address," Shyam said. "Please go see her."

Arnav nodded. "Don't worry - I will."


Khushi went running to the bathroom. That was the third time today that she went running to vomit. Over the past few days, her eating habit had gone down. The first few days she wouldn't eat, but then she started to since she couldn't control her grumbling stomach. But because of her random diet, it affected her health. Also, Garima would only cook a little food, so when Khushi would go to the kitchen in the middle of the night, there would only be a little food left and that was never enough to satisfy her grumbling tummy.

Khushi washed up and came out of the bathroom. She went to bed and hugged her pillow, trying to catch her breath. All of a sudden, her stomach grumbled. Her tummy was completely empty and she needed food.

Getting up, she went to the kitchen. Garima had gone out and Shashi went to work. Khushi started to make lunch and managed to deal with her grumbling stomach.


Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

Dhak-dhak! Dhak-dhak!

Khushi froze. She was getting a feeling. A feeling she only felt when-


Khushi's head whipped around. "A-Arnav," she breathed.


Khushi couldn't believe it. Arnav was here? Here in her home? But how?

Lunch was finished and Khushi set everything aside and quickly cleaned up, while Arnav looked around the house. Khushi dashed to her room and Arnav saw her.


Khushi saw him, but she quickly ran inside her room and locked the door.

Arnav banged on the door. "Khushi, open up."

Khushi leaned back against the door, crying. She just couldn't see Arnav. She looked terrible and weak, and she was in so much pain, she knew she would crumble.

"Khushi, open the door!"

Khushi bit her lip, crying, and shook her head.

"Khushi, baby please? Open the door."

Khushi took in a shaky breath. "No."

"Baby please, open up-"

"No! Leave!"

"Khushi open the fucking door!"

Arnav had never cursed at her and hearing him now, scared her.

"I am not fucking kidding Khushi, open up the fucking door or I will break it down!"

"No," she cried. "I can't. I won't! I can't put you in danger!"


"Arnav please leave! Please do!"

"Khushi, this is ridiculous-"

"Just leave! Please Arnav!"

"Khushi stop! Everything will be fine if you just come out-"

"No! No, no, no! Just leave! Leave me alone! I don't want to see you!"

Arnav was taken aback. "Khushi-"


Arnav took two steps back, shocked. Khushi cried and cried, not wanting this at all, but she had no other choice.

"Do you really want this," Arnav asked.

"Yes! Leave!"

Arnav looked down. "Fine," and Khushi knew his feelings were hurt. "I'm leaving. But mark my words, this isn't over Khushi. I will get you back, no matter what, or my name isn't Arnav Singh Raizada."

Arnav left that instant and Khushi slid down her door, crying.

"I'm sorry Arnav," she weeped. "But I only did this because I love you."


As Khushi continued with her irregular procedure, Arnav himself had begun his own one as well. After fighting with Khushi, he stormed home, and stayed in his room all day. When he was called down to eat, he wouldn't go. When the workers came in with his food, he would tell them to leave. If they wouldn't listen, he would throw the tray.

His Dai Ma had come in as well, but Arnav wouldn't budge. She tried to talk to him to figure out what the problem was, but Arnav got pissed and yelled at her. It made Dai flinch because Arnav had never yelled at her like that. He had always treated her like a mother and when he yelled, it was as if she didn't recognize him.

Arnav continued his behavior, not going to school as well. Aryan had noticed the actions of his son and knew this wasn't just any problem, but a big problem with a big reason behind it.

So he made it his mission to find everything out.

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