Chapter Fifty Three

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Nothing was the same after that day. For hours, the young Raizada couple cried, Khushi for hours more, as the two held each other. When Aryan and Shalini had heard the news, neither could believe it. They had gone to their children's side immediately, even though Shalini was still quite drained. They all cried together, never letting go of the other.

The rest of the Raizada clan had arrived not long later, holding many balloons, excited to see their new cousin and new nephew. But the second they entered Khushi's room and saw the state of the four, it all went away. No one could believe that such a travesty had occurred.

When Khushi was done shedding her tears, she did nothing, absolutely nothing. She would stay motionless and quiet, and there were moments where Arnav feared that she, too, had left him. But the slight rise and fall of her chest proved to him that she was still there, physically. He tried hard to get her to speak to him, but she never did, not even after leaving the hospital.

Raizada Mansion changed after that day. Khushi's brightness no longer shined in the home, as all she did was absolutely nothing. For days, she stayed in bed, only getting up when she needed to. She barely ate, the tray of food Arnav would bring for her remaining untouched. He tried and begged her to eat, but it rarely worked.

Shalini couldn't stand to see her daughter hurt like this. She wanted to soothe her, but she feared it as well. While her daughter couldn't give her milk to her deceased child, she was able to for her young daughter. There were moments where Shalini was scared to go in front of her, more when she was with the baby. On the rare occasions Khushi would come out of the room, Shalini would freeze, unsure of how the sight of her would make Khushi feel. But Khushi remained robotic, only staring forward blankly, carrying on with what she needed to do.

She hated to see her like this, absolutely hated it. Shalini had so many dreams and wishes, excited for her Khushi to experience what it's like to be a mother. She had hoped to raise her daughter with her grandchild and experience new things. But above all, she had dreamed of Khushi's happiness... and now it was all gone.

That's why, one day, Shalini offered to give her daughter Ahana, to Khushi. Both Arnav and Khushi were shocked by Shalini's proposal, and Shalini explained that it was okay. Her dream of having a daughter had come true, but more important was her dream of Khushi becoming a mother. But the young couple denied, Khushi especially. After everything her mother had gone through, she deserved her daughter. Of course Shalini denied, but Khushi continued to refuse.

She didn't find herself capable to be a mother. In fact, she thought that if Shalini had given Ahana to her, the young girl would die too. It just seemed to be her luck.

Months passed, and baby Ahana was changing quickly. As much as Aryan and Shalini wanted to share the joy, they didn't want it to hurt Khushi. She had started to come out of her room and had begun to do some of the housework, but she was still very much sensitive. It was clear whenever she would catch sight of Ahana.

Through it all, Arnav couldn't stand to see his love like this, whatsoever. It pained him to see her as so. He wished for her to return to normal, no matter whatever it took. He just wanted his Khushi back.

But not only did Arnav feel pain, he felt anger. That little faith he had gained in divine above through his wife and the return of his mother, was shattered. He was angry - furious even. Every night, he cursed above and asked why his innocent child, who hadn't even been in the world for a day, had been taken from him. He asked why he had been given all of those dreams, only for them to be shattered. He asked why all this grief was bestowed on him, on his Khushi.

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