Chapter Fourteen

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The haldi took place and the mehendi was almost done. There was music and dancing and a whole bunch of happy people. All were happy, except for one person: Khushi.

The dancers went running up to her and asked her to dance, but Khushi denied. Since the bride wouldn't go, they took the mother of the bride instead. The mehendi wali was adding in the final touches and asked:

"Whose initial should I put?"

Khushi held back her tears. She couldn't risk anyone hearing, so she whispered. "Just put an 'A'."

She nodded and wrote the 'A'. Once she was done, Khushi was sent to her room to let the mehendi dry. As evening arrived and her mehendi dried, women came in to help her get dressed. Khushi remained motionless and let them do as they wished with her. Soon she was dressed up and she was ready.

Khushi's mother came in and led her out, soon to be joined by her father. They led her out and sat her down beside her husband to be. Khushi didn't know who he was but she didn't care. She kept a straight face, but inside, her heart was crying miserably.

The recessions began and just as they were about to stand up to start the pheras, a whole bunch of men came running in. Everyone confused and scared, just looked at them and muttered. Shashi and Garima were confused as hell and Shashi yelled at them, asking them who they were.

"They're with me!"

Everyone turned to the voice and Khushi gaped.

It was Arnav.

He came walking in and everyone gaped. The mayor's son was here? Stopping the wedding? For what reason? Shashi and Garima moved towards Arnav.

"This wedding won't take place," Arnav stated.

Shashi and Garima were confused.

"You can't force Khushi to marry someone. She loves another man and-"

"That's absurd," Shashi yelled. "She's my daughter and I will do as I please!"

"Excuse me sir, but what you are doing is wrong!"

"I am her father and I will do as I rightfully please!"

Arnav looked at Khushi. "Khushi come here."

Khushi, who was more than happy to go to him, got up to go to him, but Shashi stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

"How dare you," Shashi yelled. "Going against my word are you? You will get married to this boy, right here, right now!"

Arnav grabbed Khushi's wrist. "Sir you can't do that-"

"She's. MY. Daughter! Now let go of her and she will get married to this boy this instant!"

Arnav pulled her hand hard, making Shashi's grip loosen and Khushi went colliding into Arnav's chest.

"If there's anyone she's marrying," Arnav began, "it's me."

Everyone gasped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Shashi and Garima gaped and couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Khushi wrapped her arms around Arnav's neck, shuddering from fear, looking at her parents, and Arnav held her waist with a powerful expression on his face, showing no nonsense whatsoever as he looked at them.

Shashi fumed. "Is this what you do Khushi?! Huh?! Go around with the mayor's son?!"

Khushi got scared, but Arnav didn't back down.

"Do you want to show us low," Garima asked. "Is that what you want?!"


Everyone jumped, some practically peeing in their pants, as they turned to see Aryan come in. He had some packages and boxes in his hands and handed them to one of their men.

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