Chapter Thirty Nine

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The first thing Khushi did the next day was prepare for Arnav's return. It was important for her that everything went perfectly. She called up the caterers and decorators, having them come to the house to discuss and prepare. Khushi also called the family and invited them to come over the day after.

"This is quite a preparation you've got going on."

Khushi looked up from her phone and turned to Divya. She would have said something, but Aryan was coming to join them.

"I don't mind," Aryan said, having overheard what Divya had said. "It's been a while since we've had a party," he grinned.

Khushi smiled. "It has. I thought that doing something big would be worth it."

"And why is that," Divya asked.

Khushi looked at her slyly. "It's a big occasion."

"That I agree with," Aryan smiled. "I'm so proud of Chote."

"We all are," Khushi smiled genuinely.

Divya looked at her curiously but Khushi held herself perfectly together, giving nothing away. Aryan's phone rang and he excused himself. Khushi turned to put her attention back on the decorators to make sure they were doing their job, when Divya spoke.

"What are you up to?"

Khushi looked back at her with her eyebrow cocked. "Nothing."

Divya smirked lightly and tilted her head. "Do you take me as a fool?"

Khushi turned her body towards her and crossed her arms. "Absolutely not. You're devious."

Divya chuckled. "Why thank you very much girl."

"Hmm," was all Khushi could say.

Divya looked at the decorators. "Well get on back to work," she said, waving her hand at her as if she were a fly. "Go on, shoo."

Khushi shook her head and deciding not to waste her breath, she resumed her work. She heard Divya walk away and a small smirk grew on her face.

I wouldn't be so arrogant if I were you Divya.


Arnav was to arrive in the morning, so Khushi got up extra early just to make sure that everything was perfect. She was heading towards the kitchen when she heard footsteps. Turning around, she saw Aryan rushing down the stairs.


Aryan looked up at her. "Oh Khushi good, you're awake. Listen I have an urgent meeting down at town hall, but I'll try to get home as quick as possible, okay?"

"Oh, okay."

Aryan kissed the top of her head and dashed out. "Bye dear."

"Bye," and Aryan shut the door behind him.

Khushi looked out the window and saw Aryan get driven away. Needing to get back to work, Khushi focused on anything that needed to be fixed or perfected. A few hours later, everything was ready. She was in the main hall, fixing the pillows on the couches, when Divya came into the room. Khushi didn't pay any attention to her but when she turned to check on the food, her eyes went travelling down on Divya.

"You didn't," Khushi breathed.

Khushi looked at Divya with wide eyes as she took in the woman. Divya was wearing Shalini's sari, one of the saris that were in the room with Shalini's belongings.

"Do you like it," Divya asked, rotating to give Khushi a full glimpse. "It's lovely isn't it?"

"It belongs to Ammu," Khushi gritted out.

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