Chapter Thirty Two

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"Arnav," Khushi gasped.

"That's it baby."


"Hush, I got you," Arnav soothed.

"Babe, I can't" she panted.

"Yes baby, you can."

Khushi groaned. "I can't lift anymore weights!"

Arnav and Khushi were in the gym room, working out. At first it was just Arnav working out and Khushi had come in to give him his cup of coffee, but she got stuck in daze, admiring her husband's physique. Unfortunately for her, Arnav got her to start working out with him, and now here she was, lifting weights.

"You're lucky I'm gonna be exhausted after this," Khushi frowned.

"Baby, these are like what? Two pound weights?"

"Ten but it seems like fifty!"

Arnav chuckled. "You already did all those sets, its just a few more, come on baby."

Khushi groaned and did as he said, and the second she completed her set, she put the weights down and collapsed to the floor, laying down.

"My poor arms," Khushi whined.

Arnav chuckled as he joined her by her side. "It wasn't that bad baby."

Khushi scowled and boy if looks could kill, Arnav would've been done for!

"Don't ever make me do that again," Khushi exclaimed.

Arnav grinned. "Baby."

"I'd rather be a baby then be wiped out! I can't even get up cause I don't have the energy in me to do that!"

Arnav smirked lightly as he moved over her, moving in between her legs.

Khushi frowned. "Don't get any ideas Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada."

"Oh? Why not Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada?"

"Because you're going to do 50 push-ups."

"Push-ups? Why," he chuckled.

"After the hell you put me through, you're going to go through it as well."

Arnav put his hands on the floor beside Khushi's face, trapping her under him. "Only 50?"

"I did 5 sets of ten so yes, 50 push-ups."

"Fine, 50 it is."

Arnav bent his arms and came closer to her face.

"Kiss me," Arnav murmured on her lips.

"I don't have the energy in me to do it and right now, I don't feel like kissing you after what you made me do," Khushi pouted.

Arnav chuckled and kissed her, then extended his arms. "One."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows and Arnav bent his arms again, kissed her, then extended his arms.


Khushi couldn't help herself but to smile. "A kiss for every push-up?"

Arnav bent his arms and kissed her. "Yes," he murmured on her lips, then went back up. "Three."


Arnav bent down and kissed her, then went back up. "For motivation. Four."

"Interesting.... I just might like this."

Arnav bent down. "Good," and he kissed her then moved back up. "Five."

Arnav continued to do this for next forty five push-ups. At fifty, Khushi was surprised that Arnav was still holding himself up as if he hadn't done any of the push-ups.

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