Chapter Thirty Seven

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Khushi couldn't help but to look at Divya with distaste the following morning. The woman only looked at her cunningly and it only angered Khushi. Luckily for them, Aryan was completely oblivious. When they were all seated at the table for breakfast, Aryan was reading the paper while the two women stared each other down, the display blocked by his newspaper, keeping him in oblivion.

"Khushi, when is Chote coming back," Aryan asked behind his paper.

"Saturday unfortunately," she said with a pout, turning her attention to her father.

Aryan peeked up over his paper. "Seriously? I would've expected him to try to come sooner."

"Unfortunately he can't. Trying to expand the company is being more difficult than anything right now."

"That's understandable... the poor boy," he chuckled lightly before looking at Khushi. "And poor you."

Khushi blushed and looked down.

"Yes, poor Chote," Divya said, causing Khushi to look up at her. "But then again, the way these two bicker, there's one plus side."

While to Aryan it seemed like an innocent tease, Khushi knew the woman was trying to throw a dagger at her.

"Bickering only makes our love grow, don't you agree Papa," Khushi said daringly, turning to face Aryan.

"I absolutely, 100% agree," Aryan chuckled.

Khushi grinned. "I knew you would. After all you and Ma did bicker quite a lot, hmm," she teased playfully.

While it was playful, it was also meant to be a dagger thrown back at Divya.

I'm sure feeling quite brave of myself...Oh well!

While Aryan sighed at the memories, Divya stared Khushi down, but Khushi totally ignored her.

"Bicker we did indeed," Aryan smiled humbly, thinking back to his younger days.


It was about 3 in the afternoon and Aryan was walking down the hall, goofing off with his friends. They had just finished class and were going to head to town to grab a bite, when a certain someone came into view, causing him to halt in his tracks, as well as his fellow comrades.

One of his friends hissed. "Isn't that her?"

Aryan gave him a glare and his friend straightened up.

"Yes, it's her," he simply replied, and he looked back at the beauty that filled him up with life.

"Are you gonna go talk to her," another friend asked.

Without responding, Aryan made his way to the lovely lady dressed in a green selwar kameez.

She had her back faced towards him, completely unknown of the fact that he was just a matter of feet away from her. She only became aware when Aryan came around and stood in front of her.

Immediately at the sight of him, her face scrunched up. "You!"

Aryan grinned roguishly. "Hi."

The woman fumed and looked away.

"Don't look away; I love that pretty face of yours."

Her eyes snapped right back up to his.

"Ah, now don't do that, those pretty eyes of yours will fall out."

Her jaw dropped and she fumed. "Why you- I- you- ugh," and she stomped off.

Aryan chuckled and then he hollered out to her. "At least tell me your name jaaneman!"

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