Chapter Sixty Five

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Khushi entered their room, leaving Arnav to feed Aarav. She set up the baby monitor and was about to change and get ready for bed, when her phone rang. Looking down at it, she saw that it was Shalini calling, so she took the call.

"Hi Ammu, how are you guys?"

"We're good, but for a moment we were worried, you guys didn't call us."

Khushi placed her palm on her forehead. "Shoot, I forgot, I'm so sorry Ammu."

"It's okay, I'm sure with all of the excitement you forgot."

"That among other things."

"What do you mean?"

Khushi sat down on the edge of the bed. "Um... on the way here... we saw my parents."

"What? How?"

Khushi told Shalini of her sudden "run-in" with her parents, Shalini quite surprised by it all.

"Wow... I mean for them to be in such a position... I have no words, really, except for one and that's karma."

Khushi looked down at her baby bump, placing her hand over it, caressing it.

"After what they did to you.... It truly boggles my mind that they took a gypsy's words into such high account, I mean honestly," she scoffed lightly.

"They always wanted to know what the future held."

"Still Khushi.... Aryan told me about what Divya had said, how your parents behaved the way they did with you and agreed to her plans, simply because a gypsy said that you would be their demise. Well their demise is right, but you didn't do anything. Everything that happened to them, they brought that upon themselves because they allowed for their hate to be so strong. Now fate is punishing them."

"I guess," Khushi said softly.

"You did them a kindness by giving them some money for food, as well as telling them about the shelter."

"That's what Arnav said as well."

"Hmm.... Where is that son of mine? And how's sweet little Aarav?"

"They're both good, Arnav is just putting him down for bed," Khushi said, glancing at the baby monitor.

"Well I'm sure he had quite the adventurous day, as well as you two. Get some rest, and let my boys and the little on coming know that I love them."

"I will."

"I love you, Khushi."

"I love you, too, Ammu. Give Papa and Ahana my love."

"Of course sweetie, goodnight."


Both ladies hung up and Khushi let out a sigh. It was the first time that they were away from the whole family, so it all felt a little bit strange.

Khushi got up and put her phone to charge just as Arnav came into the room.

"Ammu just called."

"Crap, was she mad that we forgot to call," Arnav asked, going over to her.

"No, she understood, but she sends her love."

Arnav nodded and he set his phone down besides Khushi's.

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed."

Khushi went to move, but Arnav stopped her.

"Why, you look good in this," Arnav said, placing his hands at her waist.

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