Chapter Twenty Seven

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Business was going well for Arnav and because things were going so well, he was completely busy with it. He made trips to the main city now and then to take care of business and at home, he was stuck on his laptop. Khushi teased him now and then, saying that she was lonely and that he should have married the laptop instead, but it was only a joke. However, Arnav found that true and he didn't deny it - he was surrounded by work that he barely got to spend time with his love. He wanted to see her more often than he now usually did.

Arnav had just finished with a conference call and was making his way to his father's study. He knocked on the door and Aryan had him come in. Aryan was sitting at his desk, reading a book.

"What can I help you with son," Aryan smiled, putting the book down.

"I wanted your opinion."

Aryan scrunched his eyebrows. "About what?"

"Well, its also for your permission."

Aryan's frown deepened.

Arnav took a deep breath. "What if Khushi worked with me? She is a business major after all. She could help me with work here and there."

Aryan nodded and leaned forward. "Hmm... have you asked Khushi?"


"Well ask her first and find out how she feels."

"I already know what she's gonna say. She's gonna be all like how she has to help with the housework and what not. And then she's gonna mention you so I thought why not go to you first."

Aryan chuckled. "That's Khushi alright."


Aryan leaned back in his seat. "I'm fine with her working with you. You could use some help and you need someone completely trustworthy. Khushi's perfect for that. So go ask her how she feels about it."

Arnav grinned. "Thanks dad! You're the best!"

Aryan grinned as he watched his son walk out. He looked out the window and at the stars.

We both know he's gonna be distracted, right Shalini, he wondered. Good. Because the poor boy needs it. He sighed. Reminds me of when we used to fool aroundLike father and mother, he chuckled to himself.


"So what do you think," Arnav asked.

Khushi just gaped. Arnav had told her of his proposition and couldn't believe it.

"Papa agreed," she asked. "Just like that?"

Arnav nodded. "Yup."

"B-but what about the housework? The cooking, the cleaning, the-"

"There are other people to take care of that, love."


"I thought of it and dad approves of it." Arnav held her by her waist. "All you need to do is agree."

"But I don't want to leave all that stuff on Dai Ma's shoulder," Khushi pouted.

Arnav smiled softly and tucked her hair behind her ear. "It's okay, Khushi. She won't mind either. Besides she's been doing all of this before I married you and she likes it. I know she won't mind."


"But nothing. I want you to join not only so that I get some help but so that I see you more often. When work gets heavy, I barely see you and I don't like that."

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