Chapter Fifty Nine

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Far out in the outskirts of town, Arnav continued to tail the truck without suspicion, keeping enough distance. He followed it out to an old warehouse and watched from outside the gates. The driver came out and from within the warehouse came two other men. They exchanged a few words and then they all went to the back of the truck. They picked up Khushi's lifeless body, Arnav gripping onto his steering wheel tightly as they took her in.

Arnav glanced at his phone and quickly texted his father to let him know where he was before exiting the car. There was no one else around, the area absolutely quiet. Arnav found it quite odd as he quickly snuck inside. He found the three men immediately, two of them carrying Khushi as the other one led them. When the men came to a stop, so did Arnav, hiding behind boxes and barrels.

"The task was completed successfully," he heard someone say.

Curious, Arnav peeked over and his eyes widened.

"Good," a very well dressed Divya replied.

Dai Ma! She's behind this?!

Arnav watched as the woman stepped back to the table behind her and picked up a pitcher of water. She poured herself a glass before moving to Khushi and pouring it all over her, who had been placed on the ground. Khushi woke with a start, the men keeping their hold on Khushi as she struggled. When Khushi finally looked up at Divya, her eyes widened.

"And so she awakes," Divya grinned.

"You," Khushi growled. "What do you want?!"

"What do I want? What do want?" She began to laugh hysterically. "Oh I wanted plenty of things - the love of my life, a family, the whole sha-bang! But then who had to ruin it?"

Khushi huffed as she glared at her.

"First it was that stupid mother in-law-"


"Whatever, of yours, and then you. You just had to ruin it. All the time and effort spent, just wasted in a matter of moments by you! Aryan... he wouldn't even look at me, he couldn't even stand me... and it's all because of you!!!"

Khushi continued to glare at her.

Divya stepped forward and crouched down to be at eye level. "You tried to destroy me, so I did the same to you."

This time Khushi's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Divya scoffed with a smirk. "Please, do you really think your old-traditioned, high-prided, idiotic parents could ever come up with an idea like that on their own?"

"What idea-?" Khushi's eyes widened as realization hit her. "It was you," she whispered.

"That's right," she smirked. "I hired them to kidnap your precious son."

Khushi gasped with horror. "How could you," she whispered.

"As easy as 1, 2, and 3, girl. It's interesting how quick they were to agree, simply by hearing the value of their prize. What's more interesting is their hate towards you," she chuckled. "I must say, I have never heard of such people who believe so highly in some random gypsy's words over their daughter being their demise, nor such hate towards females so much! Especially your mother being a female, it's just too interesting. But oh how they believe in old superstitions, giving birth to a female first being their ultimate downfall, a curse!

"But I was stupid to put my faith in those two, after all that money I gave them," she growled. "They couldn't even do a simple task and kill the child!"

"What," Khushi shrieked, her eyes wide with horror. "How-?"

"Those fools! They thought they had done so well with replacing the babe with that dying one! They were too arrogant and were too prideful that they wasted time boasting amongst each other. So much time, that they didn't even realize when that woman arrived.

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