Chapter Seventeen

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Arnav and Khushi moved towards Aryan and bent down to take his blessings. Aryan was more than happy and then hugged them tightly.

"You've made me really proud today," Aryan said.

The newly wedded couple smiled at him and then went to Dai Ma. They took blessings from her and she happily gave it.

"Always be happy," she smiled. "Though I must warn you Khushi, he can be a bit childish now and then."

Khushi chuckled lightly while Arnav gave Dai Ma a face, who started to chuckle as well. Then they moved towards Khushi's parents to get their blessings. It was obvious they didn't care, but Arnav didn't care. Khushi was his now, and that was all that mattered.

Then they went to Shyam, who gave them a tight squeeze. When they looked back at him, his eyes were filled with tears.

Shyam caressed Khushi's face. "You're finally married Di. You're not gonna forget this brother of yours are you?"

Khushi bit her lip, shaking her head with tears streaming and Shyam have her a tight hug.

"Hush Di, not today," but he was shedding tears himself.

Khushi looked at him and caressed his face in her hands. "Promise to be good. And not to be so much of a tension."


"And study! Make sure your education goes well. And find my sister in-law."

"Didi," he said, looking side to side embarrassed.

"I'm serious Shyam. But keep your education in mind."

"How can I without you? You always kept me on task."

Aryan came forward. "Don't worry. You'll still see your sister in school."

Both looked at him in surprise, as well as everyone else. Well, except for Arnav.

"Khushi will continue school and graduate," Aryan stated. "I give you my word."

Khushi was in tears again. She couldn't help but to hug Aryan and Aryan smiled, holding her.

Aryan looked down at Khushi. "Today, I'm not taking my bahu home."

Everyone gaped at him. Especially Arnav.

"What," Arnav exclaimed. "But why?"

Aryan looked at him. "Because I'm taking my daughter home."

Khushi smiled with tears and hugged Aryan again, Arnav sighing in relief. He went over to his wife and held her hand.

"Shall we go," Arnav questioned.

Khushi noticed her parents, who paid no mind, and Arnav noticed her looking at them. When Khushi looked back at Arnav, he shook his head, admonishing her to pay no mind to her parents. Khushi smiled lightly and nodded.

And so the biddai began. Khushi walked side by side with Arnav towards the car. She cried, tossing rice back, Shyam at her other side. Everyone followed behind, Shashi and Garima as well. Once they got to the car, Khushi hugged Shyam tightly and cried. Shyam shed a few tears, trying his best not to, but he gave in and hugged his sister tightly.

He pulled away and cupped her face. "Stop crying Di. I'll still see you in school. Hmm?"

Khushi nodded and then Shyam gave her a final hug.

Shyam looked at Arnav. "If you ever hurt my sister-"

"I won't," Arnav promised. "Count on that."

Shyam and Arnav hugged. He helped his sister in the car and then Arnav went around and sat.

Aryan went to Shashi and Garima. "I am very lucky to have your daughter as my son's wife."

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