Chapter Twenty Four

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Taking Khushi out to dinner, Arnav and Khushi finally got some time alone. They spent the evening happily, love in the air, consuming them. After dinner, they decided to take a walk in the park and go to their favorite tree. While walking, they held hands and walked under the streetlamps' light, chatting away, until an unwanted presence came walking by.

"Hi Arnav!"

Both looked up to see none other than Sheetal herself. She came walking towards them with a big grin across her face.

"Hey Arnav, how are you," she asked.

"I'm good. How are you?"

Arnav being the sweet guy he was, he didn't hold a grudge towards Sheetal. He forgave and forgot the whole incident she had caused with Khushi, not caring about such silly actions. As for Khushi, she didn't like it one bit. Sheetal had said hi to her, but for the rest of the conversation, she spoke to Arnav. Arnav did engage Khushi in the conversation, but Sheetal was more interested in Arnav. Eventually, Khushi became distant from the conversation. She had even started to back away from the two and stood by their tree. Arnav had noticed and watched Khushi as she wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the lake.

Ending their conversation, Sheetal left and Arnav went to Khushi. He wrapped his arms around Khushi and was about to say something, when Khushi removed herself from his hold.

"I want to go home, Arnav," Khushi said lowly, looking down.

"But Khushi, we just-"

"Please? I want to go home."

Arnav could see that she wasn't in the mood and wondered why. He simply agreed and took Khushi home. When they got there, Khushi headed straight to her room once she had greeted Aryan. Aryan looked at Arnav confusedly and Arnav could only shrug. Following behind Khushi, he walked upstairs and into their room.

"Khushi, are you okay," Arnav asked, shutting the door behind him.

Khushi went to the wardrobe and took out her nightwear. "I'm fine."

But Arnav knew she wasn't. He walked towards her and turned her around. "You don't think I know when you're lying to me?"

Khushi looked up at him.

Arnav cupped her cheek. "What's wrong?"

Khushi looked away. "I don't like her."

Arnav let go and scrunched his eyebrows. "Who?"


He sighed. "Is that what's bothering you? Khushi, it doesn't matter-"

"Yes it does! Arnav, I don't like her, but yet you were busy chatting her up."

"Chatting her up? She came up to us-"

"Wrong! She came up to you. You Arnav, not us."


"So? Arnav I don't like her! She tried to break us apart Arnav, or do you not remember any of that?"

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