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The sun was out high in the sky, the day absolutely warm and beautiful. Khushi walked through the house, a tray in hands, and headed out to the backyard.

"Come and get these icicle pops," she called out.

It didn't even take a second for Aarav, Ahana, Shaurya, Arshi and Madhav to come running her way. They all came running to her feet, excited to get their hands on an icicle pop. Khushi couldn't help but to chuckle at the children's antics and handed them each an icicle pop, and each went running back off to play.

Khushi went over to the other Raizada ladies, giving them an icicle pop as well.

"This is so refreshing bhabi," Lavanya sighed. "It's totally perfect, isn't that right my little Lizy-boo."

Lavanya's two year-old daughter mumbled some words, drooling over the icicle pop her mother had given her a taste of.


Khushi couldn't help her chuckle. "You'll never change, will you?"

"Not a chance!"

"Good," Payal chuckled, her free hand over her baby bump. "Don't ever."

"I second that," Seema said, holding the icicle pop to her almost 3 year-old daughter, Shruthi.

"Hmm," Khushi agreed. "Oh, I better go give some to the twins before they get all fussy."

Khushi went over to Shalini and Aryan, who were holding her twin son and daughter, Karan and Kavitha. Shalini and Aryan refused to take icicle pops for themselves and shared one with the little ones, who were having fun with their grandparents.

The day went on by, lunch soon being offered to everyone and when 4 o'clock rolled around, two big cakes were brought out.

"Ahana! Aarav! It's time to cut the cake," Shalini called out.

The birthday girl and the birthday boy came running over, excited by the sight of their cake. The other children came running over as well, and the parents came around as well. All of the Raizada children were put together - Aarav, Ahana, Shaurya, Arshi, Madhav, Liza, Shruthi, Karan, and Kavitha - and photo after photo were taken by the adults.

"Ammu, no more pictures," Aarav whined.

"We want cake," Ahana pouted.

The adults chuckled and agreed. Arnav came forward and lit up the candles to Aarav's cake, while Aryan lit up the candles to Ahana's cake. Once they were all lit, everyone began singing happy birthday, and as soon as the song was done, both Aarav and Ahana blew out the six candles that sat on the top of each of their cakes. Their parents hugged them and fed them some cake, everyone taking turns to be fed or to feed the birthday boy or birthday girl.


The day went on, the party carrying on to the evening. The children remained to be very active, playing in the playroom while the adults relaxed in the den, the elders sitting out in the back.

"These kids have way too much energy," NK said, looking at the monitor, seeing how active the children were.

"Well they did just have cake," Akash said.

"That's definitely like an energy drink for them," Aman chuckled.

"I'll say," Arnav muttered.

"Oh, leave them be," Seema said to her husband. "I'm sure you were like that at their age."

"Nuh uh," NK frowned.

"Bhai, don't even," Lavanya frowned. "And neither of you two either, cause I remember a lot of things clearly, you guys were just as active and worrisome as these kids."

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