Chapter Thirty Six

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Khushi pondered on what the meaning of the ripped photograph could be. It bothered her the rest of the day, and when she spoke to Arnav - being distracted and having turned her phone back on - Arnav had picked it up. Khushi had shrugged it off, though not so easily as she had hoped, but eventually got him convinced. Their little fight was tossed aside, and the couple ended the night happily.

Khushi was walking around the house to make sure everything was locked up tight, feeling paranoid due to the night before. She went to Aryan's study last, since that was the scene of the crime the night before. All seemed well and Khushi didn't get the feeling that there was someone there. She eventually went to bed, tossing her fear away and hoped for her husband to arrive soon.

But little did Khushi know that the figure knew every secret of Raizada Mansion, and it was only hiding in one of the many secret rooms, this time in the secret room behind the fireplace in the living room. The secret panel opened quietly and it came out into the open. It lurked through the halls, once again its goals repeating in their head.

For as long as the shadow had lurked in these halls, it never had any problems. It roamed around freely and did as it pleased. Never once had it been caught and it enjoyed the few moments it had in Raizada Mansion.

This night was different.

Khushi was having a bad dream, the images too blurry to see. It made absolutely no sense and she woke up with a start. She quickly reached out to get a drink of water, but the jar was empty. Resting her head back against the headboard, Khushi calmed herself. Once her breathing resumed to normal, Khushi got up and took her empty jar with her, down to the kitchen.

The dream no longer bothered Khushi as she no longer could remember what it was about. So she decided not to push herself and no longer thought about it. Khushi went down to the kitchen and filled up the jug with water, as well as a glass. She gulped it down, sighed, and leaned back against the counter.

Her mind now could only think of Arnav. Khushi really missed him and she wanted him home immediately.

I should do something for him.... Surprise him maybe. But what should I do?

Khushi pushed away from the counter and walked out of the kitchen, forgetting the jug of water. She kept wondering on what she could do for Arnav's arrival, when she saw something from the corner of her eyes. Khushi turned towards that direction but she didn't see anything. She thought she had seen something in the main hallway, but when she got there, no one was there. 

What the-?

But before she could finish that thought, Khushi saw a little light coming from the prayer room. Curious, she went there and was surprised when she saw a dia lit.

Who lit this?

Khushi was about to observe it, when she felt a presence. She quickly turned around, but she didn't see anyone. However she felt it nearby, so she followed her instinct and went towards the stairs. No one could be seen, but she saw a shadow move by the top of the left staircase. Khushi quickly went upstairs and went down the hall. She turned at the corner, but she didn't see anything.


Khushi yelped and turned around to see Divya.

"What are you doing here?"

Khushi looked left and right. "I-I was going down to get water."

"But why are you here? Your room is that way," she said, pointing in the opposite direction.

"I know, I thought I saw something."

"Huh... is that so?"

From the edge in Divya's voice, Khushi could tell something was on the woman's mind. What it was, was a mystery.

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