Chapter Fifty Four

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After learning that Shyam would be getting married, Arnav kept a close eye and kept his ear on it. He had hired men to find out more about the wedding, and it was true that indeed Shyam's wedding would be grand. It made Arnav curious as to how they had gotten so much money. Though he also wondered if they always did and didn't care to spend too much on their wedding, just because Khushi was a girl. The thought disgusted him, and he hated them even more.

Arnav knew the love Khushi had for her only sibling. So when he found out the date of Shyam's wedding, he planned on taking her there. Khushi didn't know of course, as he not only intended to surprise her, but her family as well.

When Arnav and Khushi arrived to her parents home, Khushi was shocked. The place looked absolutely stunning and expensive. Many guests walked around, marveling at how beautiful the decorations looked. The buzz was that Shashi had come through some money through his business and that was how he had managed to pull off such an extravagant wedding. Arnav called bullshit and was even more disgusted by these people.

Khushi looked around, several people noticing her and staring at her. Of course everyone knew what had happened to her and she knew people were whispering about the loss of her child, and she forced herself to not care.

Her eyes landed on her brother and Khushi couldn't believe how handsome he looked. One of Shyam's friends noticed her and told him that she was here. Shyam turned and looked at his Di in shock, and ran up to her.

"Di, what... how-?"

"Congrats on your wedding," Arnav said with a clipped tone.

Shyam knew he was angry, and he couldn't blame him. "I'm sorry you had to find out about this, this way."

"The same."

"I just-"

"You just didn't want to hurt your sister," Khushi said for him.

Shyam looked down at the ground. "I swear Di, if I could bring him back-"

"You can't. And the only thing we can do is move on."

Shyam looked up at his sister. Even though she had said such brave words, her eyes showed her pain, and he hugged her. Khushi forced herself not to cry, not wanting to ruin this moment. As for Arnav, well, he still thought differently. He found it all suspicious, and something was off. What it was, he didn't know, but he was going to find out.

When Khushi pulled back from her brother, she saw her parents. Khushi couldn't help but to note the pricey looking clothes her parents wore, especially the amount of jewelry her mother wore. She couldn't help but to be happy for her father and that he had finally achieved in his business.

"Amma, Babuji."

Shyam turned and looked at his parents. The two only nodded at her and when a guest called out to them, they walked over to them. Shyam clenched his fists, and so did Arnav. Khushi noticed Shyam's fists and held his hand. Instantly he relaxed and looked down at his older sister. She shook her head with a smile and he tried to object but she stopped him.

"Come on, it's almost time for the rituals to begun."

"But Di-"

"You shouldn't make your bride wait. Otherwise she'll think you're too scared."

Shyam tried to reject, but Khushi would have none of it. He fussed and Khushi ignored him, taking him to the mandap. Meanwhile, Arnav just watched. He just may never fully understand his wife.

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