Chapter Thirty Four

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Ever since the thought first entered her mind, Khushi could not stop thinking about it.

Could that be the reason why Dai Ma was bashing Ma? Because she loves Papa?


Khushi snapped out of thought. "Huh?"

Khushi saw Aryan looking at her in confusion.

"Are you okay," he asked. "You seem to be lost in thought."

Khushi shook her head. "No, it's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

Khushi caught Divya looking at her with concern from the corner of her eyes, but she didn't look at her.

"I'm fine," she smiled softly.

"Now Khushi, don't lie to me. I've noticed that you haven't been eating properly these past two days."

Khushi shook her head and was going to explain, but Aryan continued.

"Divya also told me you got sick earlier."

Khushi looked at Divya and then at Aryan. "It's nothing-"

"Khushi," Aryan warned.

Khushi pursed her lips. "I'm sorry," she said in a low voice.

Aryan sighed and reached out, and held her hand. "You're thinking about Chote, aren't you?"

Khushi looked up at Aryan.

Aryan smiled softly. "I understand that it's hard. It would've been one thing if he was in the city, but now he's away in a different country. But don't worry, he'll be home in just a few days. He'll be just fine, however, you won't be if you keep up this childishness."

Khushi nodded and Aryan smiled.

The family resumed to their dinner, but Khushi was still pondering. She looked at Divya, who was focused on her food, as well as on Aryan, asking if he needed anything.

Dai Ma has no relation to the family, whatsoever, besides being Ma's best- supposed best friendYet she's been in this house since...  since... since when?

"Have you taken your medication," Divya asked Aryan.

Aryan paused. "Oh, I completely forgot."

Divya shook her head. "When do you ever remember? If it weren't for me, you would've totally forgotten about them." She called a worker and told them to bring Aryan's medication. "Honestly, where would you be without me?"

The way she said that... and the way she's looking at him.

Aryan sighed. "I'd probably be with Shalini."

Khushi looked at him with sad eyes and reached out to hold his hand. Aryan gave her a soft smile and Khushi lightly squeezed his hand.

"Don't say such things," Divya said.

Khuhi looked at her. Even though she says stuff like that and looks at him in that way, Papa only thinks of Ma. Even after all of these years.

"I'm only joking," Aryan tried to laugh off. "Besides, even if you weren't around, I'd still have my Khushi to take care of me," he smiled at her.

Khushi smiled back, though she could feel daggers being thrown at her from Divya, even as slyly as she did it.

Khushi straightened her spine. If that were the case, I would be taking good care of him, better than you.

After dinner, Khushi went to check on Aryan and as she had expected, she found him looking at old photos of Shalini in his study.


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