Chapter 16

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I glanced down at my bracelet then back at Jordan, watching as she ran her tongue over the blunt she was rolling for me. She told me she doesn't smoke, but I want to get her high one time just to see how she gon react.

"Just hit it one time." I said, trying to persuade her to get high with me. It wouldn't be fun if I'm the only high one.

"Nope. Smoking jus ain't my thing. I'll go buy a fifth of Hennessey and we can get drunk." she said.

"I don't feel like getting drunk. It's still early." I said while looking out the window of the car.

School had just got out and we were sitting in her new car, talking about her situation with her brother. As much as she tries to hide it, when I look in her eyes I can see the hurt. It's crazy how your own blood can switch up on you, but a nigga that's not related to you at all could be more loyal than family.

She gave me the blunt and I put it between my lips, waiting for her to light it for me. "Where you put the lighter at?" she asked, as she looked around for it.

"I probably left it at home. Let's go to the store real quick, I need to get something to drink anyway." I said and she pushed the start button before pulling out of the abandoned parking lot.

In less than five minutes we made it to the local liquor store. A group of boys that couldn't be any older than fifteen stood in front of it, talking about sports.

Jordan got out and I did the same, being sure to remove the blunt from my lips and place it behind my ear.

"Wassup lil nigga." Jordan said before dapping up one of the boys. He was brown skin with pretty hazel eyes and curly hair. Just by looking at him, I could tell he was an athlete.

"When you get this?" he asked, nodding his head to her new car, the Audi R8 2017. "Couple days ago. Imma come scoop you soon so we can go for a ride. I need to talk to you anyway." she said and the boy smiled, showing the deep dimple in his left cheek.

Jordan smiled at him before they slapped hands, then she pulled the door open for me. I walked ahead of her and into the liquor store.

"How you doing today?" the man that was working the register said. He licked his lips and smiled, showing the gold grill on his teeth.

"She's good, not that it was your place to ask." Jordan said, staring at the man with hatred in her eyes. He raised his hands in surrender before laughing, "My bad J. I didn't know she was with you."

Instead of cursing him out like I thought she was gon do, she walked ahead of me to get a bottle of Hennessey while I went to the very back of the store to get a Arizona and a bag of chips.

Fetty Wap began to play on the radio that was sitting on the counter top and I quietly sang the lyrics while waiting for Jordan to meet me at the cash register so we can hurry up and leave.

She soon appeared with a bottle of Hennessey in each hand and 2 bags of chips hanging from her mouth. Her jeans were slowly starting to fall, showing her boxers and she put everything down on the counter top before pulling them up and looking the man over. It was as if she was silently daring him to say something to her.

The man smirked at her as he began bagging everything. "This one is on the house, courtesy of Renzo." he said before he looked over at me and winked.

Before I could say anything, Jordan's fist connected with his jaw. I tried to get her to stop, but she pushed me back and hopped over the counter to stomp him out.

While she was doing that, I decided to empty the cash register out. Today must have been a good day for them because there was nothing but twenty's and hundred dollar bills.

"Bitch ass nigga." Jordan mumbled before she hopped over the counter and looked at me. I stuffed the money in my pocket and closed the cash register.

The door opened and the same boy Jordan was talking to walked inside. He seemed to be scared for a second, but then his face turned emotionless.

"You want something?" Jordan asked him and he walked over to the shelf and got a bottle of vodka.

"That's all you want?" Jordan asked and he nodded before leaving the store with us following behind him.


I brought the blunt to my lips and took a long pull before releasing the smoke from my nose. I picked up my red cup that contained Hennessey and drank some.

Jordan told me she would smoke with me, but that was before she started arguing with somebody on the phone. About two minutes later she hung up and tossed her phone onto the couch before looking at me and sighing.

She looked like she wanted to tell me something and I was beginning to get curious. "Wassup?"

"Nothing." she said with a grin. I looked her over, not believing her but I didn't want to force her into telling me something if she didn't want to talk about it.

"Here." I say before extending my hand that the blunt was in. She took it from me before bringing it to her lips and taking a pull and blowing the smoke out her mouth, making a smoke cloud form. She went to take another pull but began coughing. I laughed before moving next to her and patting her back. I didn't want the nigga to fuck around and throw up.

Her eyes were starting to water and her face was a light shade of red. "I almost died just now." she said with a chuckle.

She took another pull then passed it to me before pulling her knees up to her chest and draping her arms over them.

"I didn't think I was gon like smoking, but it's fun." she says just as I passed it back to her.

"Imma fuck around and turn you into a stoner." I teased.

She smiled in response, making me smile. It was in this very moment that I knew this would become one of our favorite activities to do together.


I woke up to the sound of the fire alarm beeping. I sat up, realizing I was on the floor wearing one of Jordan's tshirts that stopped mid-thigh.

I got up from the floor and stumbled into the kitchen where Jordan was standing on a chair in nothing but gym shorts and a sports bra, trying to turn the alarm off. She pulled it from the wall and tossed it into the sink before jumping off the chair and looking at me.

She smiled, her eyes still low from all the weed we smoked a few hours ago. "Why are you still up and what the fuck were you trying to make?" I asked, looking at the pot on the stove that had something in it.

"I was trynna make you breakfast. Now you know why I don't cook." she said with a chuckle.

"That was sweet." I say before pulling her closer to me by her arm. I kissed her lips twice before pulling back and smiling at her. Jordan has always been fine as hell but now that she's high it makes her even more attractive. I like how she looks with her eyes red and low.

I leaned against the counter with her standing in front of me, staring into my eyes.

"I love you." she blurted, but before I could say anything she says, "Wait.. No. Forget I said that." she scratched her eyebrow and turned to walk away and I let her.

I do love Jordan. I'm just not sure if now is a good time to say it. She told me her last relationship was based off lies and I don't want her to think that I'm lying. She really got me sprung. I've never felt this way before, not even when I was with Donny.

I'm in love with her.

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