Chapter 29

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I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear today and I was considering letting Assyria choose something for me. "Babygirl!" I called and it wasn't long before I heard her footsteps approaching. "Yes mama?" She asks, coming to stand next to me while I looked at the dress in front of me.

"What are you gonna wear today?" I ask her and she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "I don't plan on going anywhere. It's a Saturday, mommy." She said as I looked at her pajamas. "Alright. Well, I have to work, but I can't find anything to wear." I said and she smiled as she walked further into my closet and started looking around.

"You could wear this, with these." She says, holding a Versace dress in one hand and Red Bottom heels in the other. She gave them to me and I laid them out on the bed as she began picking out jewelry that was on my dresser. "I think you should wear my favorite bracelet." She says, laying the bracelet Jordan got for a while ago, on top of my dress. I picked it up and stared at it in awe. It was the most beautiful thing Jordan had ever bought for me and it meant a lot to me because that was the same day we broke into the mansion that she later bought for me. That was the day I really fell in love with her.

"Mommy, did you hear me?" Assyria says and I put the bracelet down and smiled. "Huh?" I ask and she smiled while motioning towards the necklace that she had put down by the heels. "I don't really want to wear a necklace today. Let's just go with the bracelet." I said and she took the necklace back to my dresser before she came to stand in front of me. "Can me and Aalejah go over grandma's? She promised me she would make some cookies." She said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Get yourself situated and I'll take y'all over there." I said before I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, letting it warm up before I went into Aalejah's room to get her situated also.

By the time I finished getting my kids together, a hour had went by and I still had to shower and get dressed.


"First of all, I never fucked that bitch and secondly, I love you." Zach said to his baby mama. I rolled my eyes because it sounded like some bullshit Jordan would say. I tuned them out while I sat in the front seat of my car looking at my nails and thinking about what I was going to eat tonight since it would just be me.

"Imma catch up with you later." Zach said to me as he got out my car and I rolled my eyes in annoyance before starting my car up and pulling off. We were supposed to go and meet up with some cartel but he was playing and I'd do it without him but I couldn't because we made a deal with each other stating that the other couldn't handle business alone.

I had no plans for today, and I needed some because my kids were gone which was rare, and it was a beautiful day outside.

Hours had passed and I was now walking around the mall eating ice cream, trying to decide which store I wanted to go to next. My hand was starting to hurt from all the bags I was carrying. I should've asked Jordan to come so she could hold my bags for me and buy me more ice cream.

"I could carry those for you." Someone said and I looked up from my ice cream to see some stud standing there smiling. She looked familiar, like I knew her from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it just yet.

"No, I'm good." I said, looking at the tattoos that covered her neck and arms. "Are you sure? You look like you're struggling." She pointed out and I tossed the ice cream into the garbage can and adjusted the bags that were in my hand. "I got it, see?" I said, hoping she would go away, but she didn't. In fact, she started walking with me.

"You go with my cousin don't you?" She asked, and I grew confused as fuck. "Who Adrian?" I ask and she nodded. "We don't go together. He's just the father of my child." I stated and she didn't say anything, we just continued to walk in silence.

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