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"Long time no see." Zach said when he pulled the door open and I gave a smile as I stepped past him and into his home. "I heard about Jordan being in the slammer. How long she got?" He asked once he closed the door and walked to the kitchen.

I noticed a blunt sitting in the ashtray so I picked it up and grabbed the lighter that was sitting beside it. Placing the blunt between my lips, I lit it up feeling some of my stress subside.

"Yo, I asked you a question." Zach said, hovering over me while holding out a glass of alcohol for me to take. I accepted it, putting it down on the table. "Ten years." I finally answered, feeling like I was about to cry all over again. I kept telling myself that it wasn't a long time, and that I could wait it out but that's a long ass time. I love her though, so I was going to hold her down regardless. She could have gotten twenty years and I wouldn't of left her side unlike Nala's conniving ass.

It wasn't my place to speak on her but she was doing some fucked up shit now that Jordan was gone and it made me question a lot of shit. I rarely saw Noah these days and that wasn't something I was used to because he used to stay with Jordan at our home almost every weekend.

"Damn" Zach mumbled, "She's solid though right? She don't seem like the type to fold." He said, drinking from his glass and I did the same before hitting the blunt.

"She keeps telling me she's okay, but I can tell that she's stressing. There's nothing I can do about it and it fucks with me." I said. I often thought about shit like that, but never said it out loud because they were just late night thoughts and I tried not to think too much about her during the day. I had to stay strong for Assyria because this was going to effect her the most.

"I feel that. Just continue to keep her lifted." He said. "I been meaning to talk to you though."

I brought the blunt to my lips and took a long pull. "Wassup?" I ask, coughing a little from hitting the blunt too hard. "I saw Jay the other day." He said and I looked at him, wondering why he felt that was important. Jay was no longer my concern and I could honestly give a fuck about what she was out here doing.

"What that got to do with me?" I dryly questioned. "She was with Nala. Something ain't quite adding up and I'm only telling you for your own benefit. I don't want anything happening to you." He said, leaning over to take the blunt from me.

I drank more of the Hennessey in front of me, making a face as it went down my throat. I wasn't a drinker for real, that was Jordan's thing. I could smoke a pound of weed by my lonely though.

"Do you think I should be worried?" I asked, honestly wanting his opinion. "Jay ain't who you think she is, Domo. You gotta start taking her serious." He stated and I nodded, taking his words in. Jordan had said the same thing so I knew I had to stop slipping and actually listen to the shit she says because she's always right. I'd never admit it out loud though.

"Assyria and Aalejah good?" He asked, making small talk once I had grown silent. I smiled at the mention of my babies. They made me want to become a better person and I was honestly considering letting go of this lifestyle. It wasn't the same anymore and it was so stressful at times. I just want what's best for my little girls so they could have everything me and Jordan didn't growing up.

"They're good. You have to see how big Assyria's getting." I said making him smile. "She's gon grow up and look just like you. That lil girl gon be a problem, I swear she is." He stated making me mug him.

"Niggas is gon be the last thing on her mind. She's gon be smart as hell." I said, already knowing how my daughter was gon turn out. I could see it in her eyes the first time I held her that she was going to be something special. I named her Assyria because it was in the bible and held a meaning to it. I wanted her to live up to that and be the best person she could possibly be.

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