Chapter 28

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I pushed the sheets off me and rubbed my eyes before looking over, noticing Domonique wasn't laying next to me. I got up and went to take care of my hygiene. When I finished with that, I went to the kitchen where Domonique was standing over the stove wearing a dress that hugged her body tightly. Her hair was flat ironed bone straight and she looked a couple inches taller because of the heels she wore.

I wrap my arms around her waist and plant a kiss on her neck. "I didn't expect you to be up this early." she says, smiling at me.

"What time is it?" I ask her and she reaches over on the counter and grabs her phone, "About to be eleven." she said.

I took a piece of bacon off the plate and took a bite as I leaned against the counter and stared at her. She wasn't wearing make-up today and she looked even more stunning in my opinion.

"Where you going?" I ask her, watching as she fixes me a plate. "I have to go and handle some business but I'll be back soon." she puts my plate on the table and motions for me to sit down. I take a seat at the island and slide my plate closer to me.

"I'm taking you out tonight, so be here around seven." I said and she smiled and nodded before kissing my lips. "I love you." she says,

"I love you too baby." I say, watching her leave.

I sat back and got on my phone while I ate a strip of bacon and occasionally drank some of my orange juice. She was really clutch for making this for me because I would've left and went to McDonald's or somewhere.

I dialed Kilo's number and put it on speaker. "What nigga?" he grunted, all I could hear in the background was moans.

"Meet me somewhere." I said, not caring about him getting pussy right now. "Where?" he asks,

"Kash's house. I need to pull up on him." I said.

"Pull up? We clapping shit?" he asks, sounding excited and I smirked, "Something like that, just make sure you're there in less than thirty minutes." I say before hanging up.

I needed to stop by my house to check on my son cause I think I left him out his crate. When I got to my place, just like I predicted Prince had been ripping paper up. "Why would you do this?" I mumble. He had this innocent look on his face and his tail was wagging back and forth. He laid on his back with hopes I would rub his stomach. I should throw his lil ass out the window but I won't. Instead, I scooped him up and took him to my room with me.

Surprisingly, he didn't rip up any of the money I left sitting out on my bed. I put him down on my bed, allowing him to lay down.

I walked to where my dresser was and moved the painting that was on the wall, revealing my safe. I placed my hand on the scanner and waited until it beeped, indicating it was now unlocked. I pulled it open, revealing the jewelry, guns and money I had stashed.

I grabbed my ruger that was wrapped in a red bandana. I pulled the bandana off and tossed it on the bed before tucking my pistol in the front of my jeans. I closed my safe and put the portrait back on the wall. I approached my beside where Prince was sleeping.

"Ight nigga, it's time for you to get up." I say, causing him to open his eyes at the sound of my voice. I motioned for him to go to his crate and once he did, I locked it up. Before I could even get to the front door to leave, I could hear his cries. I sighed and turned around to go and get his cry baby ass.

"I guess you can stay out." I mumble as I unlock his crate, watching as he ran over to my bed. He was trying to get on it but was too short so I had to put him up there myself. "If you eat anything else, I'm not feeding you for a day." I tell him, as if he could really understand me.


Kilo kicked the door down and I went in first, looking around the niced sized home that was a hot ass mess. Beer bottles were everywhere and cocaine was on the table. I shook my head as I walked through the living room and to the back of the house where Kash was sitting on the bed getting head from some random bitch while his baby mothers dead body was slumped over in a corner with bullet holes in her head.

It smelled horrible and I really wanted to throw up. I shot the broad that was on her knees in the head, causing the body to fall to the floor. Kash pulled his jeans up and smirked, not even bothering to run like I expected his pussy ass to. "I didn't even get to nut." he said.

"I could give a fuck about that." I say, staring dead in his eyes. It's crazy how your own blood can switch up on you. We used to be so close and when Mom first kicked him out, I was always there for him and vice versa. Now, we don't give a fuck about each other. I understand that he lost his daughter but he switched up long before she was murdered. Imma take over California so everybody who's against me gotta die. I'm not playing no more games.

"Rest easy big bro." I say before releasing my whole clip on him. I expected my anger to subside but it didn't, it only got worse. I started pistol whipping him, not caring that he was dead. Kilo pulled me off him and took my gun away. "He's gone shordy. Come on before the police get here." he said.

I clenched my jaw and took my time leaving the house, hoping the police would show up so I can kill some more shit.

Me and Kilo talked for a little while longer before we went our separate ways. For some reason, I was still mad. Like fuming. I didn't know why, or where this anger came from because I was coo a hour ago. I killed him, I'm supposed to feel good. Right?

For hours, I drove around because I didn't want to go home and I wanted to be alone. I pulled over into an abandoned parking lot and turned my car off. I lifted the arm rest and grabbed the baggie of pills, dumping them into my hand I grabbed the sprite I bought along with the promethazine and mixed it poured it in the syrophome cup.

I put the pills in and waited for it to dissolve before drinking some. My phone started to ring and I looked at it, seeing Domonique was calling, probably to see where I am. I sighed before answering it.

"Wassup baby?" I say, drinking more of the lean.

"Are you okay? You sound... Different." she says, sounding concerned. I forced a smile as if she was sitting next to me and could actually see me.

"Nah bae, I'm good." I tell her.

"It's late and I haven't saw you all day. Where are you?" she asks and I looked around at my surroundings. I wasn't in Compton right now. I'd have to use my gps to figure out how to get back home.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted and she sighed, "Are you sure you're okay? You sound off, like you're about to cry or some shit." she said,

"Nah baby, everything's coo. I'll be there sometime soon." I said before hanging up.

Less than five minutes later my mother was calling. "Baby, your brother, he got shot and he didn't make it." she cried. I laughed at how dramatic she was being, it's not like she really cared about me or Kash to begin with.

"Are you laughing?" she asks, seeming offended.

"Nah. Ma, imma call you back later cause now ain't a good time." I say before hanging up and drinking more of my lean. I sighed and ran my fingers through my curls, thinking about how different my life would be if I was still playing basketball.

Basketball was my ticket out the hood, but then I got injured and shit changed. I had to start toting pistols and kicking doors in so I could eat. I was dead broke at the time and I could've got a nine to five job but I ain't want no dead end job. Especially when I knew I was gon be somebody big. Now, I'm making more than what my principal make in just a week but it's still not enough.

I want to be able to spoil Domonique everyday for the rest of my life and I need to make sure I'm living great as well. By the time I'm twenty, California gon be mine. I put that on everything I love, it will. As of today, I'm a new person. I'm not letting nothing slow me up.

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