Chapter 16

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It had been five days since I last saw Jordan, but we had been texting heavy everyday. Every time I saw her name across my screen I started blushing and I couldn't stop smiling to save my life. We stayed up on the phone all night and I knew I was falling hard for her all over again.

My phone started ringing and I looked over my shoulder to see it was Jordan calling. I smiled as I accepted the call and put it on speaker. "Yes daddy?" I said.

"I miss you mommy." Assyria cooed into the phone. "Shit, I thought.. Nevermind. I miss you too baby." I said while smiling. "What you doing?" I asked her, "Eating." she responded and I could hear Jordan talking to somebody in the background. "Yeah? You having fun?" I ask and she responds with, "Yeah."

"Put Jordan on the phone." I said. "Ma" Assyria whines and I could hear Alex say something then Jordan's laughter. "Wassup?" Jordan says into the phone. "I miss you, daddy." I said.

"I miss you too. What you doing right now? I wanna see you." she says causing me to smile. "I'm not doing anything." I responded and the line was silent for a second until she said, "Get dressed and I'll pick you up in a hour or something." she says.

"Dressed how? Like, casual or dressy?" I ask. "Casual." she says and I nodded my head as if she could see me while putting a outfit together in my head. "Ight, imma see you later." she said before hanging up and I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom so I could start the shower and prepare for my day.


"So what's been going on with you? Are you okay?" I ask Jordan. We were sitting in the sand watching Assyria play with her toys. "Be real with me." I say to her before she could even respond.

"I haven't been happy in a while. I recently started having nightmares and hearing voices in my head. Ion know what to do, Dom." she says while staring down at her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me so I could be there for you?" I question as I moved closer to her. "I ain't tell you cause I honestly don't feel like you care. Like, when I tell you that I'd drop any and everything to be there for you, I mean that shit. But ion feel like you would do the same for me." she says and all it did was make me feel bad. I have been being a terrible wife and it isn't fair to her because Jordan really does everything for me. She would literally kill anybody for me and she was loyal to me but I fucked up and now she doesn't trust me.

"I can't stress how sorry I am, Jordan. You're the love of my life. I can't love anybody else the way I love you. You should know that. I fucked up but that's in the past and I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you. Baby, I just want you back." I said and Jordan stared at me with no type of emotion in her eyes.

"I need to tell you something." she says while staring at Assyria. "What is it?" I ask her, looking at Assyria too. "I kind of cheated on you too." she said. Jordan didn't even sound like she was sorry about it.

"What you mean?" I ask her, turning to look at her. "Before we got married I was fucking around with another female, but I didn't fuck her." she said. I raised a eyebrow wanting her to explain and she looked down at the sand as if she was trying to figure out how to word it.

"I had feelings for another shordy." she said nonchalantly. Once again, it was like she didn't give a fuck, and it was making me mad but I'm trying to get my baby back so I chose not to say anything that would start an argument. "You loved her?" I ask and she finally looked at me. "I don't think it was love, but I really cared about her. To be honest, I still do." she admitted and I took in her words.

"And you're saying you've never fucked her?" I ask, just to be clear. "There were times when it almost happened but unfortunately it didn't. I just felt like I should tell you cause I'm tired of keeping it to myself." she said.

"I appreciate the honesty." I said and she nodded her head. I looked away from her and focused on the water and how it moved back and forth. The sun shined down on us and it felt great. When I looked at my daughter she was watching the water also, looking amazed and it made me smile.

"Why you stop writing?" Jordan asked me, breaking me from my thoughts. Writing was always a passion of mine, but I stopped because I lost interest and I was always busy. "It got boring." I answered while looking at her. "How? You loved writing." she said. For the first time in a while, Jordan actually looked genuinely concerned.

"I don't know." I responded. "Do you still have that notebook? Or did you throw it away?" she asked. "I'm not sure where I put it." I admitted and she nodded understandingly.

Assyria made her way towards Jordan only to sit on her lap and lay her head against her chest. "You sleepy mamas?" Jordan asked her before kissing her forehead. I admired how Jordan treats her like a princess. It was adorable and made me consider getting pregnant again just to relive all the moments.

"Let's go. She tired." Jordan says as she stands to her feet with Assyria in her arms. She took my hand and helped me up and I thanked her by kissing her lips. Even though Jordan had changed a lot, I knew she was still the same deep down. I just had to give her time and I was more than willing to do that.


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