Chapter 2

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I kicked in the door to the abandoned home and looked around in search of the crackhead woman and her bad ass son that owe me five thousand. The house was dead silent and it smelled like something died. As I walked farther in the home, I could see the body of the woman. Her neck was cut open and her limbs were hanging from her stomach. I looked away to keep from throwing up before walking to the back of the house.

I could hear a rattling sound and I pushed open the bedroom door to see the son trying to open the window and climb out. I shot him in the knee with my glock, causing him to fall to the ground while clutching onto the wound.

"It didn't have to come to this. I only wanted my money." I say before firing a round off into his body, not bothering to hear his sorry ass excuse as to why he doesn't have it. He was only sixteen and I understood that he was young, trynna get rich but if he knew he wasn't going to be able to pay me back, he shouldn't of tried to make those kinds of moves.

It was fucked up how all the young niggas in this part of my city were killers. It seemed like all the good kids were the ones dying. No matter what happens, I was going to make sure Assyria wasn't exposed to shit like this. She was going to go to the best schools and have everything I didn't.

I snapped out of my trance once I heard my phone ringing. I fished it out my pocket and stared at it, seeing it was my mother. We barely speak unless she needs some money, then she hits me up. With hopes this time would be different, I picked up the phone.

"I want a new car. But the problem is; I don't have any money." she said and I could hear the frown in her voice. "That's all you want? Money?" I ask.

"Yes. Twenty five grand to be exact. I'd try to bribe you with one of my homecooked meals, but you don't come see me anymore." she said, trying to guilt trip me. "I'll get you the money." I say as I left from the house.

I climbed in my car and started it up, leaving from this fucked up area. "So you really aren't coming to visit? I'd love to see my baby." She said, referring to Assyria.

"She's with Dom's grandma right now but I'll bring her by sometime soon." I assure her, hoping she wouldn't start bitching about how she still doesn't like Domonique. She's biased and doesn't like her because she isn't Nala but that's one of the many reasons why I married Dom.

"Jordan, she's a nice girl, really pretty.. but you keep ignoring the fact that you were supposed to marry Nala." she said and I rolled my eyes, "Ma, if you can't learn to respect her, then you won't be able to see Assyria. She hasn't done anything wrong to you and everytime we go over there for dinner, we always end up leaving early because you find some bullshit to say and it fucks everything up." I snapped. I hate when she says shit like that.

"Jordan Cameron Brooks." she scolded  in a stern voice, like that was supposed to make me respect her. I knew if I was there right now she would've more than likely slapped me.

"You not about to keep disrespecting my wife, ma. That shit ain't coo." I say and she sighed, "Baby there are other options.. You don't have to settle for her when I coul-"

"Fuck all that shit. I love her mama, ain't no leaving her for somebody else." I say.

"You really love her?" she asked, sounding defeated.

"I wouldn't of married her if I didn't." I say. "Fine." she mumbles,

"You'll stop being biased and try to get to know her?" I asked, "I'll try." she mumbled.

"Ma, I mean what I said. If you can't respect her, I don't want you around Assyria." I said. "I understand Jordan. Just bring me the money and have her come over for dinner tomorrow." she says before hanging up and I tossed my phone into the passenger seat while I drove the rest of the way home.


I squinted my eyes, reading the note that was left out on the kitchen counter. It was in cursive letters, but I'm almost positive these aren't real words. I folded the paper up as I walked up the stairs and went into the master bedroom where Dom was laying on the bed wearing nothing but my chains.

I smirked, instantly forgetting about the conversation I had with my mother when she smiled at me. "Fucking finally. I was about to take my ass to sleep." she says and I kicked my shoes off and pulled my shirt off.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately?" Domo says as she moves to the edge of the bed. "Nah, but you can show me." I tell her and she bites down on her bottom lip before smiling flirtatiously. "Oh, I planned to daddy." she says and she reached out and started taking my belt off.

"Hold on." I tell her when I felt my phone vibrate. I pull it from my pocket to see it was just a reminder that my father's birthday was tomorrow. It was like my whole mood changed and I was no longer in the mood for this.

"What's wrong?" she asks me. When I didn't say anything, she looked towards my phone. I'm guessing she saw the reminder across my screen cause she had this sympathetic look on her face, like she didn't know what to say to me. I sat there staring at the wall, trying not to think too much about my dad.

"I'm here if you need anything." she says as she walks towards the door. I noticed she had put a robe on. I watched her leave before I sighed and laid back on the bed. I always sink into depression around this time of the year and she always leaves. I think it's because she doesn't know how to deal with me when I'm depressed. Shit, ion even be knowing what to do with my damn self so I don't expect her to, but I do know that she not supposed to leave when I need her.

I could feel my pants being tugged on so I sat up to see Assyria trying to climb up here. I smile as I lift her onto the bed. "Wassup?" I ask her while she gets comfortable in my lap and starts touching my face. I stared down at her while I thought about my father and how close I was to him. I loved my dad more than anybody and I didn't even get to tell him that before he died.

"Don't cry." Assyria mumbles as she wipes tears I didn't know were there, from my eyes. It was like she was asking me if I was okay using her eyes and I chuckled before laying back and pulling her on my chest. She looked concerned and kept kissing my cheek every few minutes. She had to of learned that from Domonique and I knew she wasn't going to stop until I told her that I was fine. 

"I'm good baby." I assured her before kissing her forehead. I'd just pop a few pills to escape reality and to cope with my depression issues.

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