Chapter 31

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                       Dakota Agustin

"This shit getting out of hand" I sighed, holding Assyria's hair back while she threw up for the third time today. The sound alone was making me sick to my stomach.

Finally letting go of her hair, I gently pulled her up as I flushed the toilet then put the lid down. "I'm taking you to the hospital." I said as I watched her rinse her mouth out with mouthwash.

"I don't want to go. Let's just stay in and watch movies all day." She said in the sweetest voice as she held her arms out, wanting me to pick her up. As soon as I lifted her up, her legs wrapped around my waist and she nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck.

I walked into the kitchen holding her close to me while she licked the side of my face.

Putting her down on the countertop, I felt her forehead, checking to see if her fever had went down. On top of her being pregnant, she was sick also. I assumed it came from the weather change. It was always either hot as hell or warm in California, but here the weather was bipolar. It could be hot and sunny one day then gloomy and cold the next.

I got the medicine down from the cabinet and poured her a glass of juice, ignoring her as she tried to convince me that she wasn't sick.

"Here" I said, holding the small plastic medicine cup out for her to take. "No" she said, pushing my hands away.

"Stop making shit difficult. Ju drink it" I said, getting irritated with her. "No" she repeated.

"Assyria I'm serious. Drink this shit." I said in a serious tone causing her to suck her teeth, but she reluctantly took the cup from me.

"If you throw up on me imma beat yo ass" I said in all seriousness as I watched her gag from the taste of the medicine.

"You're so mean to me" she pouted as I handed her the glass of juice once she finished the medicine. "Only cause you don't listen." I said as she put the glass down beside her after drinking it down. 

"Baby what if I am pregnant. Would you leave me?" She asked, sounding like she was about to cry.

"Nah" I responded, about to walk away from her and search the refrigerator for something to eat until she grabbed my wrist, pulling me to her.

Resting my hands on either sides of her, I peered into her eyes before lowering my gaze down to the floor. "Why not? We're not married, and you didn't ask for this." She said, cupping my chin so I'd look at her.

"You didn't ask for this either. It happened against your will." I said, watching as her eyes started to tear up.

"Eventually you'll get tired of me and leave. I need you now more than I ever have." She admitted, keeping her hand under my chin so I couldn't look away. I couldn't look her in the eyes while she cried because it made me feel like crying too. Something I hadn't done since my dad died, but I knew she needed reassurance and I had no problem giving that to her.

"You're annoying as fuck at times, but I couldn't ever get tired of you. I can't put how much I love you into words, I can only show you. Nobody has ever had me the way you got me, I swear. I ju want you forever, baby. Only you. That's never gon change." I assured her, using the pad of my thumbs to wipe underneath her eyes.

"Promise." She said, holding her pinky out. "I promise" I say as I wrapped my finger around hers, bringing it to my mouth and kissing it.

"Go and get dressed so we can leave." I said, taking a step back so she could get down.

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