Chapter 24

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"What the fuck been running through your goddamn mind lately?" I barked as I roughly grabbed her by her arm, forcing her to look at me.

"This shit isn't fair, Jordan. I love you, I need you. She doesn't deserve you." she said as her eyes began to tear up. I looked away because still to this day, I can't stand to see her cry.

"Nala I just really need you to understand that me and you can't work. If you love me like you say you do then you gotta accept that." I said and she looked down at the designer shoes on her feet.

"My heart feels like it's being ripped from my chest." she said and I chose not to say anything because I know how it feels to be that low. When we broke up, I lost myself and I'm still trying to find myself. Getting back with her won't help anything. Besides, I love Domonique too much to just leave her. I promised her I wouldn't, so I won't.

"You broke my fucking heart, Nala. You're the fucking reason why I have a hard time trusting people. I can't forgive you.. It's gon take time." I said, calmly as I released my grip on her arm and turned to walk away.

She's acting like we broke up for no reason and I'm tired of listening to her play the victim all the time. It wasn't even the fact that she cheated, she lied straight to my face about everything and she really had me on go for her. Plus she switched up on me and broke so many promises but that shits old and I hate talking about it.

I grabbed my phone to call Alex back but stopped when I remembered I was supposed to go and scoop Timmy today. I met Timmy sometime last year. We hooped together at the park and since that day we been close. He was becoming something like a brother to me and I felt the need to look after him all the time because I know what it's like to have everybody turn their backs on you. I want to be the one to show him the ropes to this shit.

I pulled up outside his house a few minutes later and texted him, telling him to come outside. Five minutes after, he was coming outside wearing gym shorts, a t-shirt and Jordan's.

He got in and we slapped hands before he put his seat belt on and cleared his throat. "Let's go to the store real quick, I need to get something to drink." he said and I nodded as I pulled out of his driveway and went down the street where the local liquor store was.

When I parked, he got out and I watched him walk in the store before whipping my phone from my pocket to text Kilo back. As I was doing that, I could hear people talking. I looked over to see a jeep full of girls that looked like they model for a living. The one in the passenger seat looked over at me and smiled before looking away and I did the same until I heard her say, "Oh my god, that's Jordan."

I didn't want to be rude and not anything, obviously they know me, so I chose to smile. "I know you have a girlfriend and all, but would it be too much if we took a picture?" she asked and I shook my head before getting out my car and she did the same. She was wearing a dress that hugged her body tight, showing every curve she had and her make-up was done perfectly.

She gave her friend her phone before standing next to me and I placed my hand on her lower back and smiled for the picture. "That was cute. Another one." the girl taking the picture said and I mentally rolled my eyes but still took another picture with the girl. One picture turned to two, and two turned to five. "You're so damn cute." she whispered in my ear and I couldn't help the smirk that took over my face. I love when cute bitches tell me I'm cute, it boosts my confidence.

After the short photoshoot they left and Timmy was coming out the store stuffing money in his shorts with a smirk on his face.

"You got all the hoes." he said and I laughed before getting in the car. "Yo shordy gon flip when she see them pictures on instagram." he said and I reached for my phone so I could check my notifications to see if she had already posted them and tagged me in them. When I saw she didn't, I put my phone down and pulled out of the parking lot. All I gotta do is check my phone every thirty minutes so when she does post it, I can delete it from my notifications.

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