Chapter 26

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It was either go out and be a hoe, or stay in and smoke. Hoeing was never my thing, I mean, I was with Danny for three years and I didn't even fuck him. I refuse to give myself to someone who doesn't respect me enough and all Danny did was lie and cheat. Jordan is the only person I've ever been with, aside from my sick ass uncle and she doesn't even know it. I don't even think I want to tell her.

Even though me and Jordan broke up, she's still mine so I don't see a point in talking to other niggas. We just going through some shit right now and when I swallow my pride and actually text her, we'll be back like we never left.

Since she left I literally just be sitting at home wearing the tshirts she left over here, smoking and eating. Shit hasn't been the same since we broke up and I miss her more and more every day. I ran my fingers through my hair before walking to my bedroom to get my phone. I had turned it off because I didn't want to deal with anybody and social media was getting on my fucking nerves.

I unlocked my phone and stared at the wallpaper of me and Jordan. I smiled a little before going to my contacts and selecting my cousins name. I texted her, telling her to be ready within an hour or two. I'm tired of sitting in the house and I need to be around her because she always cheers me up when I'm down.


I was seated across from Jada who was going to town on a platter of hotwings while she ranted about how she and Alex were working on their issues and would be back together in no time. I couldn't help but to think about Jordan and how I acted the other night when she came over to apologize. I can be such a bitch sometimes and I should apologize because it's not right to do shit like that.

"I hope you don't mind, I invited Alex." Jada said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "That's coo." I said as I dipped a fry in my milkshake and ate it. About five minutes later, Alex showed up. She pecked Jada's lips before dapping me up, "Wassup ma." she says to me before smiling. "Wassup." I returned the smile and looked down at my vibrating phone to see an unknown number calling me. I declined the call and slid my phone in my clutch before eating another fry, trying to tune Jada and Alex out.

I was getting bored as hell watching them flirt so I told them I was going to the restroom but really I left. Jada can ride back with Alex cause I'm not about to sit and watch them tongue each other down the whole time.

When I got in the car, I pulled my phone from my clutch and dialed Jordan's number. When she didn't answer I decided I would pull up on her to see why she couldn't answer the phone myself.

I got there fifteen minutes later to see two expensive cars parked outside her place, including one of hers. There was two niggas standing on her porch smoking, one of them I recognized as Timmy and the other was Kilo, her closest friend or brother is what she calls him. Timmy nodded his head at me before pulling the door open for me. I thanked him before going inside to see Jordan sprawled out on the couch looking depressed while thumbing through a thick stack of hundreds. A red cup was sitting on the floor by her foot and a baggie of pills were on the table.

"You popping pills now?" I questioned and she looked up before neatly folding the stack of money and wrapping a rubber band around it. She smirked at me before stuffing the money in her pocket.

"'Hey' would be the proper thing to say." she says as her eyes roam my body. "I wanna be mad at you but baby..." she stops talking and bites down on her bottom lip, "I like those jeans on you." she says before winking at me. I squinted my eyes at her, noticing how different she was acting. When we smoke she's never like this. I grabbed the baggie of pills and examined them closely. They were Xanax pills and I leaned over to look in her red cup to see she was drinking lean too. I sighed before taking her hand in mine, pulling her off the couch and to the bathroom.

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