Chapter 37

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3 weeks later

"She didn't answer." Assyria says, putting my phone down with a pout on her face. "She promised she would answer the phone." She added, storming away before I could even say anything to her. I got my phone off the counter seeing she had called Jordan over a hundred times over the past weeks and she hasn't answered any of them. I was getting suspicious because this wasn't like Jordan.

Just as I was about to put my phone down, I got an incoming call from Jordan's mother which was rare because we barely like each other and never talk. "How you doing?" I say once I had finally answered the phone.

"I meant to call and tell you that Jordan is in jail. She told me to tell you a few weeks ago but I forgot." She said, sounding carefree. "Can you text me the information?" I asked and the line was silent for a while before it beeped, indicating that she had hung up.

I rolled my eyes to the whites and put my phone down before going upstairs so I could get Assyria together and shower. I poked my head in Assyria's room to see her sitting on her bed crying. It broke my heart to see my baby crying because that was something she never does. She's always happy and smiling.

I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. "Do you think she's mad at me?" She asks through tears and I shook my head as I wiped her tears away. "She's not mad at you baby. I promise she isn't." I said and she seemed to calm down some. "I have to go and handle something, so you're gonna stay with your grandma for a couple hours okay?" I say to her and she nodded.

I got up and went to her bathroom that was attached to her room and ran her bathwater. "Pick something out to wear, then get in and wash up," I said to her before leaving from her room and going to get ready myself.


I was sitting across from Jordan trying to figure out what I wanted to say and how I was going to say it.

"Why didn't you tell me? This is the type of shit I be talking about Jordan. You're so fucking inconsiderate." I snapped and she blinked a couple times before nodding her head.

I expected her to say something but she didn't. She was just sitting there looking bored like she wanted me to hurry up and finish talking. "Your daughter thinks you're mad at her." I said and even then she didn't say anything. It was starting to get on my fucking nerves.

"So you don't care about your daughter now?" I said and she smacked her lips. "Of course I care about her. Why would you even say that?" She said, clearly offended but I only said it because I knew it would make her talk.

"So what the fuck did you do, and how long are you gonna be in here?" I ask, looking around the visitation room that was occupied by a few other inmates and their family members. "I'm not telling you what I did, but I got 10 years." She said.

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked and she scratched her eyebrow. "It's not that I can't. It's just that I don't want to because it could complicate a lot of things. You understand that right?" She said and I nodded because it did make sense.

"What am I supposed to tell Assyria? You know she gets depressed when you aren't around." I explained. "I'll call regularly." She said.

"That's not enough. She needs to see you. I don't want her to sink into depression." I stressed. "What more do you want me to do, Domonique? I'm locked the fuck up. You want me to come and see her every weekend? Shit can't work like that, and I don't want her coming here." She snapped and I looked her over, seeing her eyes were getting red like she was about to cry.

"First Nala, now you all in my ear tripping and shit." She mumbled and I raised an eyebrow as I stared at her. "How am I tripping Jordan? I'm trying to figure something out to keep our daughter from stressing. She's only six, she doesn't need that shit." I said.

"She'll be okay. I said I'll call regularly. Goddamn." She said, growing agitated. I couldn't understand why though because she knows how much Assyria needs her and she's acting like it isn't that big of a deal when it is.

"You haven't had anybody around her have you?" She questions, referring to Jay. "Yeah." I responded and her jaw clenched as she rubbed the side of her face. "Why? After I told you I didn't want her around Assyria!" She snapped.

"She's my daughter too, and I'm in a relationship with Jay. I feel like they should get to know each other." I said and she had this weird look in her eyes that I couldn't quite read.

"I've never disrespected you by having other women around her. I thought you understood me when I said I didn't want anybody around her. You know she doesn't like meeting new people and it's fucked up because you keep putting her in positions she doesn't need to be in. While I'm on this subject, I feel like you should be more considerate of her feelings and actually talk to her more. She feels like you put her second to everything and you need to fix that because you're not about to have my baby feeling like she's secondary to Jay's bitch ass." She said and I didn't know what to say because it was a lot to take in.

"Stop trying to make it seem like I'm a bad mother." I said, growing offended. "I honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about you getting fake offended. You know I don't fucking play about Assyria and if I have to, I'll make some calls and get Jay handled." She said.

"I wouldn't put Assyria in danger. You should know that." I said and she gave me a look as if she didn't believe me. "You already got my child in danger just by having her around Jay. I keep trying to spare your feelings and shit, but I'm fucking tired of that. Jay seems nice now, but I swear to God that nigga ain't right." She said.

"I don't believe you. You're probably  saying that to get me to stop fucking with her." I said, in denial about what she just said. "We fell out because she tried to set me up. Every single bitch I've ever been with, she got with too just because. I'm trying to tell you, she's using you but your dumb ass don't even know it. If you would stop being a hoe and actually pay attention to the shit she says and does, you would know!" She said.

"She isn't like that." I said, remembering all the long talks we've had and how genuine she seems. "Man, get the fuck out my face Domonique. You making me mad. I'd slap you if there wasn't so many security guards around." She said and I stared at her a little while longer before standing to my feet and getting my purse off the floor.

"Bring Assyria to see me sometime next week." She says as she stood up also. "Okay." I mumbled watching as one of the guards came to put her handcuffs on.

I came to cuss her out, but it didn't go as planned. Instead it was her putting me in my place and opening my eyes to a lot of shit. I needed to hear everything she said whether I wanted to or not. She was right though, I needed to fall back from Jay because something wasn't right.

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